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xamgore authored1b586317
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it-lab / grade
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Index.php 3.13 KiB
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
class Controller_Student_Index extends Controller_UserEnvi {
public function action_index()
$student_id = $this->UserInfo['StudentID'];
$disciplines = Model_Disciplines::ofStudent($student_id);
$i = 0;
$colorsList = array('Undefined', 'ECTS-F', 'ECTS-FX', 'ECTS-E', 'ECTS-D', 'ECTS-C', 'ECTS-B', 'ECTS-A');
foreach($disciplines as $row)
$disciplinesHandled[$i]['ID'] = $row['ID'];
if($row['ExamType'] == 'exam')
$disciplinesHandled[$i]['Control'] = 'Экзамен';
elseif($row['ExamType'] == 'credit')
$disciplinesHandled[$i]['Control'] = 'Зачет';
$disciplinesHandled[$i]['Teachers'] = $this->getTeachersForDiscipline($row['ID']);
$disciplinesHandled[$i]['Title'] = $row['SubjectName'];
$disciplinesHandled[$i]['Rate'] = $row['Rate'];
$disciplinesHandled[$i]['MaxCurrentRate'] = $row['MaxCurrentRate'];
$disciplinesHandled[$i]['ColorScheme'] = $colorsList[$this->getColor($row['Rate'], $row['MaxCurrentRate'], $row['ExamRate'])];
$twig = Twig::factory('student/index');
if ($i != 0)
$twig->disciplines = $disciplinesHandled;
$twig->User = $this->UserInfo;
$twig->Semester = $this->SemesterInfo;
$twig->SemesterList = Model_Semesters::create()->getList();
protected function getTeachersForDiscipline($id) {
$teachers = Model_Teachers::ofDiscipline($id);
$teachersHandled = array(); $i = 0;
foreach ($teachers as $teacher)
$teachersHandled[$i] = $teacher['LastName'].' '.UTF8::substr($teacher['FirstName'], 0, 1).'. ';
$teachersHandled[$i] .= UTF8::substr($teacher['SecondName'], 0, 1).'.';
return $teachersHandled;
protected function getColor($rate, $current, $examRate)
if($current > 0)
$percent = $rate / $current;
if($percent < 0.31)
$color = 1;
elseif($percent >= 0.31 AND $percent <= 0.59)
$color = 2;
elseif($percent >= 0.60 AND $percent <= 0.64)
$color = 3;
elseif($percent >= 0.65 AND $percent <= 0.70)
$color = 4;
elseif($percent >= 0.71 AND $percent <= 0.84)
$color = 5;
elseif($percent >= 0.85 AND $percent <= 0.94)
$color = 6;
elseif($percent >= 0.95)
$color = 7;
if($examRate !== NULL AND $examRate < 22)
$color = 2;
$color = 0;
return $color;
public function action_settings() {
$twig = Twig::factory('settings');
$twig->User = $this->UserInfo;