From 4c921a274386bd8fe8cfe4cc1cc3bc631d154be4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NikitaBogoslovskiy <>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2022 04:35:18 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] add some to module 6

 Module6/ProgramTree.cs |  28 +++--
 Module6/SimpleLex.cs   |  60 ++++++----
 Module6/SimpleLex.lex  |   4 +
 Module6/SimpleYacc.cs  | 242 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 Module6/SimpleYacc.y   |  25 +++--
 TestASTParser/Tests.cs | 193 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 6 files changed, 404 insertions(+), 148 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Module6/ProgramTree.cs b/Module6/ProgramTree.cs
index ac0fb2b..f3ebeba 100644
--- a/Module6/ProgramTree.cs
+++ b/Module6/ProgramTree.cs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 namespace ProgramTree
     public enum AssignType { Assign, AssignPlus, AssignMinus, AssignMult, AssignDivide };
+    public enum BinOpType { Plus, Minus, Multiply, Divide };
     public class Node // базовый класс для всех узлов    
@@ -89,10 +90,10 @@ namespace ProgramTree
-    public class VarNode : StatementNode
+    public class VarDefNode : StatementNode
         public IdListNode IdList;
-        public VarNode(IdListNode idlist)
+        public VarDefNode(IdListNode idlist)
             IdList = idlist;
@@ -100,23 +101,23 @@ namespace ProgramTree
     public class RepeatNode : StatementNode
-        public BlockNode Block { get; set; }
+        public BlockNode StList { get; set; }
         public ExprNode Expr { get; set; }
         public RepeatNode(BlockNode block, ExprNode expr)
-            Block = block;
+            StList = block;
             Expr = expr;
     public class ForNode : StatementNode
-        public ExprNode FromExpr { get; set; }
+        public AssignNode Assign { get; set; }
         public ExprNode ToExpr { get; set; }
         public StatementNode Stat { get; set; }
-        public ForNode(ExprNode from_expr, ExprNode to_expr, StatementNode stat)
+        public ForNode(AssignNode ass_node, ExprNode to_expr, StatementNode stat)
-            FromExpr = from_expr;
+            Assign = ass_node;
             ToExpr = to_expr;
             Stat = stat;
@@ -144,4 +145,17 @@ namespace ProgramTree
+    public class BinaryNode : ExprNode
+    {
+        public ExprNode LeftExpr { get; set; }
+        public ExprNode RightExpr { get; set; }
+        public BinOpType Op { get; set; }
+        public BinaryNode(ExprNode left_expr, ExprNode right_expr, BinOpType op)
+        {
+            LeftExpr = left_expr;
+            RightExpr = right_expr;
+            Op = op;
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Module6/SimpleLex.cs b/Module6/SimpleLex.cs
index 9d7e70c..a39bc76 100644
--- a/Module6/SimpleLex.cs
+++ b/Module6/SimpleLex.cs
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 //  This CSharp output file generated by Gardens Point LEX
 //  Version:
 //  Machine:  DESKTOP-H0VRSS3
-//  DateTime: 23.10.2022 18:19:09
+//  DateTime: 24.10.2022 4:14:32
 //  UserName: nikit
 //  GPLEX input file <SimpleLex.lex>
 //  GPLEX frame file <embedded resource>
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ namespace SimpleScanner
         enum Result {accept, noMatch, contextFound};
-        const int maxAccept = 10;
-        const int initial = 11;
+        const int maxAccept = 14;
+        const int initial = 15;
         const int eofNum = 0;
         const int goStart = -1;
         const int INITIAL = 0;
@@ -161,24 +161,24 @@ namespace SimpleScanner
-    static int[] startState = new int[] {11, 0};
+    static int[] startState = new int[] {15, 0};
 #region CompressedCharacterMap
-    // There are 11 equivalence classes
+    // There are 15 equivalence classes
     // There are 2 character sequence regions
     // There are 1 tables, 123 entries
     // There are 1 runs, 0 singletons
     // Decision tree depth is 1
     static sbyte[] mapC0 = new sbyte[123] {
-/*     '\0' */ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 0, 10, 10, 0, 10, 10, 
-/*   '\x10' */ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 
-/*   '\x20' */ 0, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 7, 8, 10, 10, 9, 10, 2, 10, 
-/*      '0' */ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 6, 10, 5, 10, 10, 
-/*      '@' */ 10, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 
-/*      'P' */ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 10, 10, 10, 10, 3, 
-/*      '`' */ 10, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 
+/*     '\0' */ 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 0, 14, 14, 0, 14, 14, 
+/*   '\x10' */ 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 
+/*   '\x20' */ 0, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 7, 8, 12, 10, 9, 11, 2, 13, 
+/*      '0' */ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 6, 14, 5, 14, 14, 
+/*      '@' */ 14, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 
+/*      'P' */ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 14, 14, 14, 14, 3, 
+/*      '`' */ 14, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 
 /*      'p' */ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 };
     static sbyte MapC(int code)
@@ -186,25 +186,29 @@ namespace SimpleScanner
       if (code < 123) // '\0' <= code <= 'z'
         return mapC0[code - 0];
       else // '{' <= code <= '\U0010FFFF'
-        return (sbyte)10;
+        return (sbyte)14;
-    static Table[] NxS = new Table[13] {
+    static Table[] NxS = new Table[17] {
 /* NxS[   0] */ new Table(0, 0, 0, null),
-/* NxS[   1] */ new Table(1, 2, -1, new sbyte[] {1, 12}),
+/* NxS[   1] */ new Table(1, 2, -1, new sbyte[] {1, 16}),
 /* NxS[   2] */ new Table(0, 0, -1, null),
 /* NxS[   3] */ new Table(1, 3, -1, new sbyte[] {3, -1, 3}),
-/* NxS[   4] */ new Table(5, 1, -1, new sbyte[] {9}),
+/* NxS[   4] */ new Table(5, 1, -1, new sbyte[] {13}),
 /* NxS[   5] */ new Table(0, 0, -1, null),
 /* NxS[   6] */ new Table(0, 0, -1, null),
 /* NxS[   7] */ new Table(0, 0, -1, null),
 /* NxS[   8] */ new Table(0, 0, -1, null),
 /* NxS[   9] */ new Table(0, 0, -1, null),
-/* NxS[  10] */ new Table(1, 1, -1, new sbyte[] {10}),
-/* NxS[  11] */ new Table(1, 10, -1, new sbyte[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5, 
-          6, 7, 8, 2}),
-/* NxS[  12] */ new Table(1, 1, -1, new sbyte[] {10}),
+/* NxS[  10] */ new Table(0, 0, -1, null),
+/* NxS[  11] */ new Table(0, 0, -1, null),
+/* NxS[  12] */ new Table(0, 0, -1, null),
+/* NxS[  13] */ new Table(0, 0, -1, null),
+/* NxS[  14] */ new Table(1, 1, -1, new sbyte[] {14}),
+/* NxS[  15] */ new Table(1, 14, -1, new sbyte[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5, 
+          6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 2}),
+/* NxS[  16] */ new Table(1, 1, -1, new sbyte[] {14}),
 int NextState() {
@@ -214,7 +218,7 @@ int NextState() {
         unchecked {
             int rslt;
             int idx = MapC(code) - NxS[state].min;
-            if (idx < 0) idx += 11;
+            if (idx < 0) idx += 15;
             if ((uint)idx >= (uint)NxS[state].rng) rslt = NxS[state].dflt;
             else rslt = NxS[state].nxt[idx];
             return rslt;
@@ -661,9 +665,21 @@ return (int)Tokens.RIGHT_BRACKET;
 return (int)Tokens.COMMA;
         case 9:
-return (int)Tokens.ASSIGN;
+return (int)Tokens.PLUS;
         case 10:
+return (int)Tokens.MINUS;
+            break;
+        case 11:
+return (int)Tokens.MULTIPLY;
+            break;
+        case 12:
+return (int)Tokens.DIVIDE;
+            break;
+        case 13:
+return (int)Tokens.ASSIGN;
+            break;
+        case 14:
 yylval.dVal = double.Parse(yytext); 
   return (int)Tokens.RNUM;
diff --git a/Module6/SimpleLex.lex b/Module6/SimpleLex.lex
index fd10cd1..b8b08be 100644
--- a/Module6/SimpleLex.lex
+++ b/Module6/SimpleLex.lex
@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ ID {Alpha}{AlphaDigit}*
 "(" { return (int)Tokens.LEFT_BRACKET; }
 ")" { return (int)Tokens.RIGHT_BRACKET; }
 "," { return (int)Tokens.COMMA; }
+"+" { return (int)Tokens.PLUS; }
+"-" { return (int)Tokens.MINUS; }
+"*" { return (int)Tokens.MULTIPLY; }
+"/" { return (int)Tokens.DIVIDE; }
 [^ \r\n] {
diff --git a/Module6/SimpleYacc.cs b/Module6/SimpleYacc.cs
index ab4b5fe..727ea64 100644
--- a/Module6/SimpleYacc.cs
+++ b/Module6/SimpleYacc.cs
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 // GPPG version 1.3.6
 // Machine:  DESKTOP-H0VRSS3
-// DateTime: 23.10.2022 18:19:09
+// DateTime: 24.10.2022 4:14:32
 // UserName: nikit
 // Input file <SimpleYacc.y>
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ public enum Tokens {
-    ELSE=19,COMMA=20,VAR=21,INUM=22,RNUM=23,ID=24};
+    ELSE=19,COMMA=20,VAR=21,PLUS=22,MINUS=23,MULTIPLY=24,
+    DIVIDE=25,INUM=26,RNUM=27,ID=28};
 public struct ValueType
@@ -54,102 +55,120 @@ public class Parser: ShiftReduceParser<ValueType, LexLocation>
 #pragma warning disable 649
   private static Dictionary<int, string> aliasses;
 #pragma warning restore 649
-  private static Rule[] rules = new Rule[29];
-  private static State[] states = new State[59];
+  private static Rule[] rules = new Rule[36];
+  private static State[] states = new State[70];
   private static string[] nonTerms = new string[] {
-      "expr", "ident", "assign", "statement", "cycle", "while", "repeat", "for", 
-      "write", "if", "var", "stlist", "block", "idlist", "progr", "$accept", 
+      "expr", "ident", "T", "F", "assign", "statement", "cycle", "while", "repeat", 
+      "for", "write", "if", "var", "stlist", "block", "idlist", "progr", "$accept", 
   static Parser() {
-    states[0] = new State(new int[]{3,4},new int[]{-15,1,-13,3});
+    states[0] = new State(new int[]{3,4},new int[]{-17,1,-15,3});
     states[1] = new State(new int[]{2,2});
     states[2] = new State(-1);
     states[3] = new State(-2);
-    states[4] = new State(new int[]{24,14,3,4,5,18,8,22,10,27,12,33,14,42,17,47,21,54},new int[]{-12,5,-4,31,-3,9,-2,10,-13,16,-5,17,-6,21,-7,26,-8,32,-9,41,-10,46,-11,53});
+    states[4] = new State(new int[]{28,18,3,4,5,31,8,35,10,40,12,46,14,53,17,58,21,65},new int[]{-14,5,-6,44,-5,9,-2,10,-15,29,-7,30,-8,34,-9,39,-10,45,-11,52,-12,57,-13,64});
     states[5] = new State(new int[]{4,6,7,7});
-    states[6] = new State(-18);
-    states[7] = new State(new int[]{24,14,3,4,5,18,8,22,10,27,12,33,14,42,17,47,21,54},new int[]{-4,8,-3,9,-2,10,-13,16,-5,17,-6,21,-7,26,-8,32,-9,41,-10,46,-11,53});
+    states[6] = new State(-25);
+    states[7] = new State(new int[]{28,18,3,4,5,31,8,35,10,40,12,46,14,53,17,58,21,65},new int[]{-6,8,-5,9,-2,10,-15,29,-7,30,-8,34,-9,39,-10,45,-11,52,-12,57,-13,64});
     states[8] = new State(-4);
     states[9] = new State(-5);
     states[10] = new State(new int[]{6,11});
-    states[11] = new State(new int[]{24,14,22,15},new int[]{-1,12,-2,13});
-    states[12] = new State(-15);
-    states[13] = new State(-16);
-    states[14] = new State(-14);
-    states[15] = new State(-17);
-    states[16] = new State(-6);
-    states[17] = new State(-7);
-    states[18] = new State(new int[]{24,14,22,15},new int[]{-1,19,-2,13});
-    states[19] = new State(new int[]{24,14,3,4,5,18,8,22,10,27,12,33,14,42,17,47,21,54},new int[]{-4,20,-3,9,-2,10,-13,16,-5,17,-6,21,-7,26,-8,32,-9,41,-10,46,-11,53});
-    states[20] = new State(-19);
-    states[21] = new State(-8);
-    states[22] = new State(new int[]{24,14,22,15},new int[]{-1,23,-2,13});
-    states[23] = new State(new int[]{9,24});
-    states[24] = new State(new int[]{24,14,3,4,5,18,8,22,10,27,12,33,14,42,17,47,21,54},new int[]{-4,25,-3,9,-2,10,-13,16,-5,17,-6,21,-7,26,-8,32,-9,41,-10,46,-11,53});
-    states[25] = new State(-20);
-    states[26] = new State(-9);
-    states[27] = new State(new int[]{24,14,3,4,5,18,8,22,10,27,12,33,14,42,17,47,21,54},new int[]{-12,28,-4,31,-3,9,-2,10,-13,16,-5,17,-6,21,-7,26,-8,32,-9,41,-10,46,-11,53});
-    states[28] = new State(new int[]{11,29,7,7});
-    states[29] = new State(new int[]{24,14,22,15},new int[]{-1,30,-2,13});
-    states[30] = new State(-21);
-    states[31] = new State(-3);
-    states[32] = new State(-10);
-    states[33] = new State(new int[]{24,14},new int[]{-2,34});
-    states[34] = new State(new int[]{6,35});
-    states[35] = new State(new int[]{24,14,22,15},new int[]{-1,36,-2,13});
-    states[36] = new State(new int[]{13,37});
-    states[37] = new State(new int[]{24,14,22,15},new int[]{-1,38,-2,13});
-    states[38] = new State(new int[]{9,39});
-    states[39] = new State(new int[]{24,14,3,4,5,18,8,22,10,27,12,33,14,42,17,47,21,54},new int[]{-4,40,-3,9,-2,10,-13,16,-5,17,-6,21,-7,26,-8,32,-9,41,-10,46,-11,53});
-    states[40] = new State(-22);
-    states[41] = new State(-11);
-    states[42] = new State(new int[]{15,43});
-    states[43] = new State(new int[]{24,14,22,15},new int[]{-1,44,-2,13});
-    states[44] = new State(new int[]{16,45});
-    states[45] = new State(-23);
-    states[46] = new State(-12);
-    states[47] = new State(new int[]{24,14,22,15},new int[]{-1,48,-2,13});
-    states[48] = new State(new int[]{18,49});
-    states[49] = new State(new int[]{24,14,3,4,5,18,8,22,10,27,12,33,14,42,17,47,21,54},new int[]{-4,50,-3,9,-2,10,-13,16,-5,17,-6,21,-7,26,-8,32,-9,41,-10,46,-11,53});
-    states[50] = new State(new int[]{19,51,4,-24,7,-24,11,-24});
-    states[51] = new State(new int[]{24,14,3,4,5,18,8,22,10,27,12,33,14,42,17,47,21,54},new int[]{-4,52,-3,9,-2,10,-13,16,-5,17,-6,21,-7,26,-8,32,-9,41,-10,46,-11,53});
-    states[52] = new State(-25);
-    states[53] = new State(-13);
-    states[54] = new State(new int[]{24,14},new int[]{-14,55,-2,58});
-    states[55] = new State(new int[]{20,56,4,-26,7,-26,11,-26,19,-26});
-    states[56] = new State(new int[]{24,14},new int[]{-2,57});
-    states[57] = new State(-28);
-    states[58] = new State(-27);
+    states[11] = new State(new int[]{28,18,26,19,15,20},new int[]{-1,12,-3,28,-4,27,-2,17});
+    states[12] = new State(new int[]{22,13,23,23,4,-15,7,-15,11,-15,19,-15,13,-15});
+    states[13] = new State(new int[]{28,18,26,19,15,20},new int[]{-3,14,-4,27,-2,17});
+    states[14] = new State(new int[]{24,15,25,25,22,-17,23,-17,4,-17,7,-17,11,-17,19,-17,13,-17,16,-17,28,-17,3,-17,5,-17,8,-17,10,-17,12,-17,14,-17,17,-17,21,-17,9,-17,18,-17});
+    states[15] = new State(new int[]{28,18,26,19,15,20},new int[]{-4,16,-2,17});
+    states[16] = new State(-20);
+    states[17] = new State(-22);
+    states[18] = new State(-14);
+    states[19] = new State(-23);
+    states[20] = new State(new int[]{28,18,26,19,15,20},new int[]{-1,21,-3,28,-4,27,-2,17});
+    states[21] = new State(new int[]{16,22,22,13,23,23});
+    states[22] = new State(-24);
+    states[23] = new State(new int[]{28,18,26,19,15,20},new int[]{-3,24,-4,27,-2,17});
+    states[24] = new State(new int[]{24,15,25,25,22,-18,23,-18,4,-18,7,-18,11,-18,19,-18,13,-18,16,-18,28,-18,3,-18,5,-18,8,-18,10,-18,12,-18,14,-18,17,-18,21,-18,9,-18,18,-18});
+    states[25] = new State(new int[]{28,18,26,19,15,20},new int[]{-4,26,-2,17});
+    states[26] = new State(-21);
+    states[27] = new State(-19);
+    states[28] = new State(new int[]{24,15,25,25,22,-16,23,-16,4,-16,7,-16,11,-16,19,-16,13,-16,16,-16,28,-16,3,-16,5,-16,8,-16,10,-16,12,-16,14,-16,17,-16,21,-16,9,-16,18,-16});
+    states[29] = new State(-6);
+    states[30] = new State(-7);
+    states[31] = new State(new int[]{28,18,26,19,15,20},new int[]{-1,32,-3,28,-4,27,-2,17});
+    states[32] = new State(new int[]{22,13,23,23,28,18,3,4,5,31,8,35,10,40,12,46,14,53,17,58,21,65},new int[]{-6,33,-5,9,-2,10,-15,29,-7,30,-8,34,-9,39,-10,45,-11,52,-12,57,-13,64});
+    states[33] = new State(-26);
+    states[34] = new State(-8);
+    states[35] = new State(new int[]{28,18,26,19,15,20},new int[]{-1,36,-3,28,-4,27,-2,17});
+    states[36] = new State(new int[]{9,37,22,13,23,23});
+    states[37] = new State(new int[]{28,18,3,4,5,31,8,35,10,40,12,46,14,53,17,58,21,65},new int[]{-6,38,-5,9,-2,10,-15,29,-7,30,-8,34,-9,39,-10,45,-11,52,-12,57,-13,64});
+    states[38] = new State(-27);
+    states[39] = new State(-9);
+    states[40] = new State(new int[]{28,18,3,4,5,31,8,35,10,40,12,46,14,53,17,58,21,65},new int[]{-14,41,-6,44,-5,9,-2,10,-15,29,-7,30,-8,34,-9,39,-10,45,-11,52,-12,57,-13,64});
+    states[41] = new State(new int[]{11,42,7,7});
+    states[42] = new State(new int[]{28,18,26,19,15,20},new int[]{-1,43,-3,28,-4,27,-2,17});
+    states[43] = new State(new int[]{22,13,23,23,4,-28,7,-28,11,-28,19,-28});
+    states[44] = new State(-3);
+    states[45] = new State(-10);
+    states[46] = new State(new int[]{28,18},new int[]{-5,47,-2,10});
+    states[47] = new State(new int[]{13,48});
+    states[48] = new State(new int[]{28,18,26,19,15,20},new int[]{-1,49,-3,28,-4,27,-2,17});
+    states[49] = new State(new int[]{9,50,22,13,23,23});
+    states[50] = new State(new int[]{28,18,3,4,5,31,8,35,10,40,12,46,14,53,17,58,21,65},new int[]{-6,51,-5,9,-2,10,-15,29,-7,30,-8,34,-9,39,-10,45,-11,52,-12,57,-13,64});
+    states[51] = new State(-29);
+    states[52] = new State(-11);
+    states[53] = new State(new int[]{15,54});
+    states[54] = new State(new int[]{28,18,26,19,15,20},new int[]{-1,55,-3,28,-4,27,-2,17});
+    states[55] = new State(new int[]{16,56,22,13,23,23});
+    states[56] = new State(-30);
+    states[57] = new State(-12);
+    states[58] = new State(new int[]{28,18,26,19,15,20},new int[]{-1,59,-3,28,-4,27,-2,17});
+    states[59] = new State(new int[]{18,60,22,13,23,23});
+    states[60] = new State(new int[]{28,18,3,4,5,31,8,35,10,40,12,46,14,53,17,58,21,65},new int[]{-6,61,-5,9,-2,10,-15,29,-7,30,-8,34,-9,39,-10,45,-11,52,-12,57,-13,64});
+    states[61] = new State(new int[]{19,62,4,-31,7,-31,11,-31});
+    states[62] = new State(new int[]{28,18,3,4,5,31,8,35,10,40,12,46,14,53,17,58,21,65},new int[]{-6,63,-5,9,-2,10,-15,29,-7,30,-8,34,-9,39,-10,45,-11,52,-12,57,-13,64});
+    states[63] = new State(-32);
+    states[64] = new State(-13);
+    states[65] = new State(new int[]{28,18},new int[]{-16,66,-2,69});
+    states[66] = new State(new int[]{20,67,4,-33,7,-33,11,-33,19,-33});
+    states[67] = new State(new int[]{28,18},new int[]{-2,68});
+    states[68] = new State(-35);
+    states[69] = new State(-34);
-    rules[1] = new Rule(-16, new int[]{-15,2});
-    rules[2] = new Rule(-15, new int[]{-13});
-    rules[3] = new Rule(-12, new int[]{-4});
-    rules[4] = new Rule(-12, new int[]{-12,7,-4});
-    rules[5] = new Rule(-4, new int[]{-3});
-    rules[6] = new Rule(-4, new int[]{-13});
-    rules[7] = new Rule(-4, new int[]{-5});
-    rules[8] = new Rule(-4, new int[]{-6});
-    rules[9] = new Rule(-4, new int[]{-7});
-    rules[10] = new Rule(-4, new int[]{-8});
-    rules[11] = new Rule(-4, new int[]{-9});
-    rules[12] = new Rule(-4, new int[]{-10});
-    rules[13] = new Rule(-4, new int[]{-11});
-    rules[14] = new Rule(-2, new int[]{24});
-    rules[15] = new Rule(-3, new int[]{-2,6,-1});
-    rules[16] = new Rule(-1, new int[]{-2});
-    rules[17] = new Rule(-1, new int[]{22});
-    rules[18] = new Rule(-13, new int[]{3,-12,4});
-    rules[19] = new Rule(-5, new int[]{5,-1,-4});
-    rules[20] = new Rule(-6, new int[]{8,-1,9,-4});
-    rules[21] = new Rule(-7, new int[]{10,-12,11,-1});
-    rules[22] = new Rule(-8, new int[]{12,-2,6,-1,13,-1,9,-4});
-    rules[23] = new Rule(-9, new int[]{14,15,-1,16});
-    rules[24] = new Rule(-10, new int[]{17,-1,18,-4});
-    rules[25] = new Rule(-10, new int[]{17,-1,18,-4,19,-4});
-    rules[26] = new Rule(-11, new int[]{21,-14});
-    rules[27] = new Rule(-14, new int[]{-2});
-    rules[28] = new Rule(-14, new int[]{-14,20,-2});
+    rules[1] = new Rule(-18, new int[]{-17,2});
+    rules[2] = new Rule(-17, new int[]{-15});
+    rules[3] = new Rule(-14, new int[]{-6});
+    rules[4] = new Rule(-14, new int[]{-14,7,-6});
+    rules[5] = new Rule(-6, new int[]{-5});
+    rules[6] = new Rule(-6, new int[]{-15});
+    rules[7] = new Rule(-6, new int[]{-7});
+    rules[8] = new Rule(-6, new int[]{-8});
+    rules[9] = new Rule(-6, new int[]{-9});
+    rules[10] = new Rule(-6, new int[]{-10});
+    rules[11] = new Rule(-6, new int[]{-11});
+    rules[12] = new Rule(-6, new int[]{-12});
+    rules[13] = new Rule(-6, new int[]{-13});
+    rules[14] = new Rule(-2, new int[]{28});
+    rules[15] = new Rule(-5, new int[]{-2,6,-1});
+    rules[16] = new Rule(-1, new int[]{-3});
+    rules[17] = new Rule(-1, new int[]{-1,22,-3});
+    rules[18] = new Rule(-1, new int[]{-1,23,-3});
+    rules[19] = new Rule(-3, new int[]{-4});
+    rules[20] = new Rule(-3, new int[]{-3,24,-4});
+    rules[21] = new Rule(-3, new int[]{-3,25,-4});
+    rules[22] = new Rule(-4, new int[]{-2});
+    rules[23] = new Rule(-4, new int[]{26});
+    rules[24] = new Rule(-4, new int[]{15,-1,16});
+    rules[25] = new Rule(-15, new int[]{3,-14,4});
+    rules[26] = new Rule(-7, new int[]{5,-1,-6});
+    rules[27] = new Rule(-8, new int[]{8,-1,9,-6});
+    rules[28] = new Rule(-9, new int[]{10,-14,11,-1});
+    rules[29] = new Rule(-10, new int[]{12,-5,13,-1,9,-6});
+    rules[30] = new Rule(-11, new int[]{14,15,-1,16});
+    rules[31] = new Rule(-12, new int[]{17,-1,18,-6});
+    rules[32] = new Rule(-12, new int[]{17,-1,18,-6,19,-6});
+    rules[33] = new Rule(-13, new int[]{21,-16});
+    rules[34] = new Rule(-16, new int[]{-2});
+    rules[35] = new Rule(-16, new int[]{-16,20,-2});
   protected override void Initialize() {
@@ -210,45 +229,66 @@ public class Parser: ShiftReduceParser<ValueType, LexLocation>
       case 15: // assign -> ident, ASSIGN, expr
 { CurrentSemanticValue.stVal = new AssignNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-3].eVal as IdNode, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].eVal); }
-      case 16: // expr -> ident
+      case 16: // expr -> T
+{ CurrentSemanticValue.eVal = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].eVal; }
+        break;
+      case 17: // expr -> expr, PLUS, T
+{ CurrentSemanticValue.eVal = new BinaryNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-3].eVal, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].eVal, BinOpType.Plus); }
+        break;
+      case 18: // expr -> expr, MINUS, T
+{ CurrentSemanticValue.eVal = new BinaryNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-3].eVal, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].eVal, BinOpType.Minus); }
+        break;
+      case 19: // T -> F
+{ CurrentSemanticValue.eVal = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].eVal; }
+        break;
+      case 20: // T -> T, MULTIPLY, F
+{ CurrentSemanticValue.eVal = new BinaryNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-3].eVal, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].eVal, BinOpType.Multiply); }
+        break;
+      case 21: // T -> T, DIVIDE, F
+{ CurrentSemanticValue.eVal = new BinaryNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-3].eVal, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].eVal, BinOpType.Divide); }
+        break;
+      case 22: // F -> ident
 { CurrentSemanticValue.eVal = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].eVal as IdNode; }
-      case 17: // expr -> INUM
+      case 23: // F -> INUM
 { CurrentSemanticValue.eVal = new IntNumNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].iVal); }
-      case 18: // block -> BEGIN, stlist, END
+      case 24: // F -> LEFT_BRACKET, expr, RIGHT_BRACKET
+{ CurrentSemanticValue.eVal = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-2].eVal; }
+        break;
+      case 25: // block -> BEGIN, stlist, END
 { CurrentSemanticValue.blVal = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-2].blVal; }
-      case 19: // cycle -> CYCLE, expr, statement
+      case 26: // cycle -> CYCLE, expr, statement
 { CurrentSemanticValue.stVal = new CycleNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-2].eVal, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].stVal); }
-      case 20: // while -> WHILE, expr, DO, statement
+      case 27: // while -> WHILE, expr, DO, statement
 { CurrentSemanticValue.stVal = new WhileNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-3].eVal, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].stVal); }
-      case 21: // repeat -> REPEAT, stlist, UNTIL, expr
+      case 28: // repeat -> REPEAT, stlist, UNTIL, expr
 { CurrentSemanticValue.stVal = new RepeatNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-3].blVal, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].eVal); }
-      case 22: // for -> FOR, ident, ASSIGN, expr, TO, expr, DO, statement
-{ CurrentSemanticValue.stVal = new ForNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-5].eVal, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-3].eVal, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].stVal); }
+      case 29: // for -> FOR, assign, TO, expr, DO, statement
+{ CurrentSemanticValue.stVal = new ForNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-5].stVal as AssignNode, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-3].eVal, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].stVal); }
-      case 23: // write -> WRITE, LEFT_BRACKET, expr, RIGHT_BRACKET
+      case 30: // write -> WRITE, LEFT_BRACKET, expr, RIGHT_BRACKET
 { CurrentSemanticValue.stVal = new WriteNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-2].eVal); }
-      case 24: // if -> IF, expr, THEN, statement
+      case 31: // if -> IF, expr, THEN, statement
 { CurrentSemanticValue.stVal = new IfNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-3].eVal, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].stVal); }
-      case 25: // if -> IF, expr, THEN, statement, ELSE, statement
+      case 32: // if -> IF, expr, THEN, statement, ELSE, statement
 { CurrentSemanticValue.stVal = new IfNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-5].eVal, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-3].stVal, ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].stVal); }
-      case 26: // var -> VAR, idlist
-{ CurrentSemanticValue.stVal = new VarNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].idListVal); }
+      case 33: // var -> VAR, idlist
+{ CurrentSemanticValue.stVal = new VarDefNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].idListVal); }
-      case 27: // idlist -> ident
+      case 34: // idlist -> ident
 				CurrentSemanticValue.idListVal = new IdListNode(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].eVal as IdNode); 
-      case 28: // idlist -> idlist, COMMA, ident
+      case 35: // idlist -> idlist, COMMA, ident
 				ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-3].idListVal.Add(ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-1].eVal as IdNode); 
 				CurrentSemanticValue.idListVal = ValueStack[ValueStack.Depth-3].idListVal; 
diff --git a/Module6/SimpleYacc.y b/Module6/SimpleYacc.y
index 15083eb..5ab30e3 100644
--- a/Module6/SimpleYacc.y
+++ b/Module6/SimpleYacc.y
@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@
 %namespace SimpleParser
 %token <iVal> INUM 
 %token <dVal> RNUM 
 %token <sVal> ID
-%type <eVal> expr ident 
+%type <eVal> expr ident T F
 %type <stVal> assign statement cycle while repeat for write if var
 %type <blVal> stlist block
 %type <idListVal> idlist
@@ -64,9 +64,20 @@ ident 	: ID { $$ = new IdNode($1); }
 assign 	: ident ASSIGN expr { $$ = new AssignNode($1 as IdNode, $3); }
-expr	: ident  { $$ = $1 as IdNode; }
-		| INUM { $$ = new IntNumNode($1); }
-		;
+expr : T { $$ = $1; }
+     | expr PLUS T { $$ = new BinaryNode($1, $3, BinOpType.Plus); }
+     | expr MINUS T { $$ = new BinaryNode($1, $3, BinOpType.Minus); }
+     ;
+T    : F { $$ = $1; }
+     | T MULTIPLY F { $$ = new BinaryNode($1, $3, BinOpType.Multiply); }
+     | T DIVIDE F { $$ = new BinaryNode($1, $3, BinOpType.Divide); }
+     ;
+F    : ident { $$ = $1 as IdNode; }
+     | INUM { $$ = new IntNumNode($1); }
+     | LEFT_BRACKET expr RIGHT_BRACKET { $$ = $2; }
+     ;
 block	: BEGIN stlist END { $$ = $2; }
@@ -80,7 +91,7 @@ while	: WHILE expr DO statement { $$ = new WhileNode($2, $4); }
 repeat	: REPEAT stlist UNTIL expr { $$ = new RepeatNode($2, $4); }
-for		: FOR ident ASSIGN expr TO expr DO statement { $$ = new ForNode($4, $6, $8); }
+for		: FOR assign TO expr DO statement { $$ = new ForNode($2 as AssignNode, $4, $6); }
 write	: WRITE LEFT_BRACKET expr RIGHT_BRACKET { $$ = new WriteNode($3); }
@@ -90,7 +101,7 @@ if		: IF expr THEN statement { $$ = new IfNode($2, $4); }
 		| IF expr THEN statement ELSE statement { $$ = new IfNode($2, $4, $6); }
-var		: VAR idlist { $$ = new VarNode($2); }
+var		: VAR idlist { $$ = new VarDefNode($2); }
 idlist	: ident
diff --git a/TestASTParser/Tests.cs b/TestASTParser/Tests.cs
index 4fe6182..0133190 100644
--- a/TestASTParser/Tests.cs
+++ b/TestASTParser/Tests.cs
@@ -58,7 +58,21 @@ namespace TestASTParser
             var tree = ASTParserTests.Parse("begin repeat a:=2 until 2 end");
             Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.RepeatNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["$type"]);
-            // TODO: проверить узлы содержимого repeat
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.BlockNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["StList"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.AssignNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["StList"]["StList"]["$values"][0]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IdNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["StList"]["StList"]["$values"][0]["Id"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("a", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["StList"]["StList"]["$values"][0]["Id"]["Name"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IntNumNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["StList"]["StList"]["$values"][0]["Expr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("2", ((string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["StList"]["StList"]["$values"][0]["Expr"]["Num"]).Trim());
+            Assert.AreEqual("0", ((string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["StList"]["StList"]["$values"][0]["AssOp"]).Trim());
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IntNumNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Expr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("2", ((string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Expr"]["Num"]).Trim());
@@ -71,7 +85,25 @@ namespace TestASTParser
             var tree = ASTParserTests.Parse("begin for i:=2 to 10 do a:=2 end");
             Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.ForNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["$type"]);
-            // TODO: проверить узлы содержимого for
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.AssignNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Assign"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IdNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Assign"]["Id"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("i", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Assign"]["Id"]["Name"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IntNumNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Assign"]["Expr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("2", ((string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Assign"]["Expr"]["Num"]).Trim());
+            Assert.AreEqual("0", ((string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Assign"]["AssOp"]).Trim());
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IntNumNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["ToExpr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("10", ((string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["ToExpr"]["Num"]).Trim());
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.AssignNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Stat"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IdNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Stat"]["Id"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("a", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Stat"]["Id"]["Name"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IntNumNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Stat"]["Expr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("2", ((string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Stat"]["Expr"]["Num"]).Trim());
+            Assert.AreEqual("0", ((string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Stat"]["AssOp"]).Trim());
@@ -85,7 +117,12 @@ namespace TestASTParser
             var tree = ASTParserTests.Parse("begin write(2) end");
             Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.WriteNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["$type"]);
-            // TODO: проверить содержимое write
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IntNumNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Expr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("2", ((string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Expr"]["Num"]).Trim());
+            Console.WriteLine(tree["StList"]["$values"][0].ToString());
@@ -97,23 +134,157 @@ namespace TestASTParser
         //Ignore("This test is disabled")]
         public void TestIf()
-            //Assert.Fail();
-            // TODO: дописать тест
+            var tree1 = ASTParserTests.Parse("begin if 1 then write(1) else write(0) end");
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IfNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree1["StList"]["$values"][0]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IntNumNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree1["StList"]["$values"][0]["Expr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("1", ((string)tree1["StList"]["$values"][0]["Expr"]["Num"]).Trim());
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.WriteNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree1["StList"]["$values"][0]["ThenStat"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IntNumNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree1["StList"]["$values"][0]["ThenStat"]["Expr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("1", ((string)tree1["StList"]["$values"][0]["ThenStat"]["Expr"]["Num"]).Trim());
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.WriteNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree1["StList"]["$values"][0]["ElseStat"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IntNumNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree1["StList"]["$values"][0]["ElseStat"]["Expr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("0", ((string)tree1["StList"]["$values"][0]["ElseStat"]["Expr"]["Num"]).Trim());
+            var tree2 = ASTParserTests.Parse("begin if 1 then write(1) end");
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IfNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree2["StList"]["$values"][0]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IntNumNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree2["StList"]["$values"][0]["Expr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("1", ((string)tree2["StList"]["$values"][0]["Expr"]["Num"]).Trim());
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.WriteNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree2["StList"]["$values"][0]["ThenStat"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IntNumNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree2["StList"]["$values"][0]["ThenStat"]["Expr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("1", ((string)tree2["StList"]["$values"][0]["ThenStat"]["Expr"]["Num"]).Trim());
+            Assert.AreEqual("", tree2["StList"]["$values"][0]["ElseStat"].ToString());
         //[Ignore("This test is disabled")]
         public void TestVarDef()
-            //Assert.Fail();
-            // TODO: дописать тест
+            var tree = ASTParserTests.Parse(@"begin var a,b,c end");
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.VarDefNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IdNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["IdList"]["IdList"]["$values"][0]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("a", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["IdList"]["IdList"]["$values"][0]["Name"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IdNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["IdList"]["IdList"]["$values"][1]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("b", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["IdList"]["IdList"]["$values"][1]["Name"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IdNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["IdList"]["IdList"]["$values"][2]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("c", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["IdList"]["IdList"]["$values"][2]["Name"]);
         public void TestBinary()
-            //Assert.Fail();
-            // TODO: дописать тест
+            var tree = ASTParserTests.Parse(@"begin
+                    a:=1+1;
+                    b:=1-1;
+                    c:=a*b;
+                    d:=a/b;
+                    e:=1 * ((a+b) / 2 - 666)
+                  end");
+            /* ===> a:=1+1;*/
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.AssignNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IdNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Id"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("a", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Id"]["Name"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.BinaryNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Expr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IntNumNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Expr"]["LeftExpr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("1", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Expr"]["LeftExpr"]["Num"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IntNumNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("1", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["Num"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("0", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][0]["Expr"]["Op"]);
+            /* ===> b:=1-1;*/
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.AssignNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][1]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IdNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][1]["Id"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("b", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][1]["Id"]["Name"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.BinaryNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][1]["Expr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IntNumNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][1]["Expr"]["LeftExpr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("1", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][1]["Expr"]["LeftExpr"]["Num"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IntNumNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][1]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("1", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][1]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["Num"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("1", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][1]["Expr"]["Op"]);
+            /* ===> c:=a*b;*/
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.AssignNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][2]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IdNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][2]["Id"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("c", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][2]["Id"]["Name"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.BinaryNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][2]["Expr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IdNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][2]["Expr"]["LeftExpr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("a", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][2]["Expr"]["LeftExpr"]["Name"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IdNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][2]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("b", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][2]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["Name"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("2", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][2]["Expr"]["Op"]);
+            /* ===> d:=a/b;*/
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.AssignNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][3]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IdNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][3]["Id"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("d", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][3]["Id"]["Name"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.BinaryNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][3]["Expr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IdNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][3]["Expr"]["LeftExpr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("a", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][3]["Expr"]["LeftExpr"]["Name"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IdNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][3]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("b", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][3]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["Name"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("3", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][3]["Expr"]["Op"]);
+            /* ===> e:=1 * ((a+b) / 2 - 666)*/
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.AssignNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IdNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Id"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("e", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Id"]["Name"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.BinaryNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Expr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("2", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Expr"]["Op"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IntNumNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Expr"]["LeftExpr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("1", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Expr"]["LeftExpr"]["Num"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.BinaryNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("1", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["Op"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.BinaryNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["LeftExpr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("3", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["LeftExpr"]["Op"]);
+            //
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.BinaryNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["LeftExpr"]["LeftExpr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("0", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["LeftExpr"]["LeftExpr"]["Op"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IdNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["LeftExpr"]["LeftExpr"]["LeftExpr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("a", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["LeftExpr"]["LeftExpr"]["LeftExpr"]["Name"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IdNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["LeftExpr"]["LeftExpr"]["RightExpr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("b", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["LeftExpr"]["LeftExpr"]["RightExpr"]["Name"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IntNumNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["LeftExpr"]["RightExpr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("2", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["LeftExpr"]["RightExpr"]["Num"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("ProgramTree.IntNumNode, SimpleLang", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["RightExpr"]["$type"]);
+            Assert.AreEqual("666", (string)tree["StList"]["$values"][4]["Expr"]["RightExpr"]["RightExpr"]["Num"]);
\ No newline at end of file