include ./config/path.makefile GULP = ./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js default: deploy @ # install local gulp and packages, empty db and static site files install: DB_install Tasker_deploy $(GULP) install @ # install local gulp and packages, update db routines and static site files deploy: DB_deploy Tasker_deploy $(GULP) # copy server files copy_files: Tasker_deploy $(GULP) --release --force rsync -ru --info=PROGRESS2 --exclude="application/config" --exclude="" --exclude="" \ \~dev_rating/ $(DST_PATH) # server deploy without fix release_no_fix: DB_deploy copy_files sed -i 's/~dev_rating//g' $(DST_PATH)/.htaccess sed -i 's/\/~dev_rating//g' $(DST_PATH)/application/bootstrap.php sed -i 's/\/~dev_rating//g' $(DST_PATH)/static/js/config.js chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=r $(DST_PATH)/index.php # server deploy with fix release: DB_fix release_no_fix # server deploy with dump load load_deploy: DB_deployTest copy_files # ----------------------- # Tasker section Tasker_deploy: npm install # ----------------------- # database forwarding DB_%: @$(MAKE) $* -C ./db