ALTER TABLE public.study_groups ADD COLUMN specid integer DEFAULT null; ALTER TABLE public.study_groups DROP CONSTRAINT study_groups_facultyid_gradeid_groupnum_formid_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY public.study_groups ADD CONSTRAINT study_groups_facultyid_gradeid_groupnum_formid_spec_key UNIQUE (facultyid, gradeid, groupnum, formid, specid); ALTER TABLE ONLY public.study_groups ADD CONSTRAINT study_groups_ibfk_5 FOREIGN KEY (specid) REFERENCES specializations(id); -- script to fill study_groups.specid from latest record in groups_years -- after creating empty specid column update study_groups set specid=( select groups_years.specializationid from groups_years where order by groups_years.year desc limit 1 ) where specid is null; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public.creategroup(pgradeid integer, pgroupnum integer, pspecname character varying, pfacultyid integer, pyear integer, pformid integer); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.creategroup(pgradeid integer, pgroupnum integer, pspecname character varying, pfacultyid integer, pyear integer, pformid integer) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE vGroupID INT DEFAULT null; vSpecId INT DEFAULT null; vGroupYear INT DEFAULT null; vIsSpecMatch BOOL DEFAULT null; BEGIN select into vSpecId from specializations where specializations.facultyid=pFacultyID and specializations."name" like pSpecName; if (vSpecId is null) then INSERT INTO specializations (Name, Abbr, FacultyID) VALUES (pSpecName, NULL, pFacultyID) returning id into vSpecId; end if; -- create group vGroupID - UNIQUE (pGradeID, pGroupNum, pFacultyID) select into vGroupID from study_groups where study_groups.gradeid=pgradeID and study_groups.groupnum= pGroupNum and study_groups.facultyid=pFacultyID and study_groups.formid=pFormID and study_groups.specid=vSpecId; if ( vGroupID is null) then INSERT INTO study_groups (GradeID, GroupNum, FacultyID, FormID, SpecID) VALUES (pGradeID, pGroupNum, pFacultyID, pFormID, vSpecId) returning id into vGroupID ; end if; SELECT groups_years.groupid, groups_years.specializationid = vSpecId INTO vGroupYear, vIsSpecMatch FROM groups_years WHERE groups_years.groupid = vGroupID AND groups_years."year" = pYear LIMIT 1; IF (vGroupYear is null) THEN INSERT INTO groups_years (GroupID, Year, SpecializationID) VALUES (vGroupID, pYear, vSpecId); ELSEIF NOT vIsSpecMatch THEN RETURN -1; END IF; RETURN vGroupID; EXCEPTION when others then RETURN -1; END $function$;