diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index dc422697c500b03ed345a30b0fbd6cf323b19481..d2f805b5d7cb5205600f927e81cc26d322bf8e90 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Teacher/Index.php b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Teacher/Index.php
index cd4617070fb04061b3edd9bf7b637e7d9930f4f2..16d69caddf5a837dc3922a414c18c030b7dcc442 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Teacher/Index.php
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Teacher/Index.php
@@ -8,34 +8,33 @@ class Controller_Teacher_Index extends Controller_UserEnvi {
         $model = new Model_Teacher_Index;
         $disciplines = $model->getDisciplinesForTeacher($this->UserInfo['TeacherID']);
-        $subjectsHandled = array(); $subjID = $discID = $i = $j = $k = 0;
+        $disciplinesHandled = array(); $subjID = $discID = $gradeNum = $i = $j = $k = 0;
+        $groupsInDiscipline = array();
         foreach ($disciplines as $row) {
-            if($subjID != $row['SubjectID'])
+            if($subjID != $row['SubjectID'] || $gradeNum != $row['StudyGroupGrade'])
                 $i++; $j = $k = 0;
+                $groupsInDiscipline = array();
                 $subjID = $row['SubjectID'];
+                $gradeNum = $row['StudyGroupGrade'];
+                $disciplinesHandled[$i]['Title'] = $row['SubjectName'];
+                $disciplinesHandled[$i]['GradeNum'] = $row['StudyGroupGrade'];                
-            $subjectsHandled['Subjects'][$i]['Title'] = $row['SubjectName'];
             if($discID != $row['DisciplineID'])
                 $j++; $k = 0;
-                $discID = $row['DisciplineID'];
+                $groupsInDiscipline = array();
+                $disciplinesHandled[$i]['Disciplines'][$j]['ID'] = $discID = $row['DisciplineID'];
+                $disciplinesHandled[$i]['Disciplines'][$j]['ControlType'] = $this->getControlType($row['DisciplineType']);
+                $disciplinesHandled[$i]['Disciplines'][$j]['Teachers'] = $this->getTeachersForDiscipline($discID);
-            $subjectsHandled['Subjects'][$i]['Disciplines'][$j]['ID'] = $row['DisciplineID'];
-            $subjectsHandled['Subjects'][$i]['Disciplines'][$j]['GradeNum'] = $row['StudyGroupGrade'];
-            $subjectsHandled['Subjects'][$i]['Disciplines'][$j]['ControlType'] = $this->getControlType($row['DisciplineType']);
-            $subjectsHandled['Subjects'][$i]['Disciplines'][$j]['Teachers'] = $this->getTeachersForDiscipline($discID);
-            $k++;
-            $subjectsHandled['Subjects'][$i]['Disciplines'][$j]['Groups'][$k]['Count'] = 10;
-            $subjectsHandled['Subjects'][$i]['Disciplines'][$j]['Groups'][$k]['Num'] = $row['StudyGroupNum'];
-            $subjectsHandled['Subjects'][$i]['Disciplines'][$j]['Groups'][$k]['ID'] = $row['StudyGroupID'];
+            if($row['StudyGroupNum'] != 0)
+                $groupsInDiscipline[++$k] = $row['StudyGroupGrade'].'.'.$row['StudyGroupNum'];
+            $disciplinesHandled[$i]['Disciplines'][$j]['Groups'] = implode(', ', $groupsInDiscipline);
-        $twig->content = $subjectsHandled;
+        $twig->Subjects = $disciplinesHandled;
         $twig->User = $this->UserInfo;
diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Teacher/Rating.php b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Teacher/Rating.php
index f8522373e864c3aec505913fe2fdc0a4df320a7c..8a81eb5a8088ffd661e17c9b27589997f3e28e9f 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Teacher/Rating.php
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Teacher/Rating.php
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class Controller_Teacher_Rating extends Controller_UserEnvi {
 	$discipline = $db->GetMapForDiscipline($this->UserInfo['TeacherID'], $id);
         if($discipline->count() == 0)
-            throw HTTP_Exception::factory (404, "Дисциплины с ID $id не существует!");
+            throw HTTP_Exception::factory (404, "Для дисциплины с ID $id не создана УКД или такой дисциплины не существует!");
 	$disciplineHandled = array();
         $maxRate = 0; $i = 0; $module = 0;
diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/UserEnvi.php b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/UserEnvi.php
index 8392d5fb6dec0bfd19dea162eae3c6a80147e74d..f98264df87334c3d40dab76874e6e3f4687050d7 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/UserEnvi.php
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/UserEnvi.php
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class Controller_UserEnvi extends Controller {
             $bitmask = $sysModel->getBitmaskForRoute($route);
             if(!($bitmask & $userMark))
-                throw HTTP_Exception::factory(403, 'Не пытайтесь попасть туда, куда попадать не следует: '.$route);
+                throw HTTP_Exception::factory(403, 'Не пытайтесь попасть туда, куда попадать не следует.');
diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/views/admin/base.twig b/~dev_rating/application/views/admin/base.twig
index 4c5f366f4a8932497899305f9c047d2f603d2b92..2581879630abc701f6b5fc703b4647bb1919ef23 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/application/views/admin/base.twig
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/views/admin/base.twig
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 	<title>{% block title %}{% endblock %} | Admin - {{ System.Title }}</title>
 	{{ HTML.style('media/css/admin/base.css')|raw }}
 	{{ HTML.style('media/css/admin/macro.css')|raw }}
+        {{ HTML.style('media/css/actionButton.css')|raw }}
 	{{ HTML.script('media/js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js')|raw }}
 	{% block media %}{% endblock %}
diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/views/base.twig b/~dev_rating/application/views/base.twig
index 63db7f3cd186ac87ecedc5c117462db161d7b7fb..ba6b58915eaae657dbd97ab04ae6249453f0e3d3 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/application/views/base.twig
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/views/base.twig
@@ -1,9 +1,30 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html>
+{% macro action(URL, image, title, message, actionID = '') %}
+<a href="{{ URL }}">
+    <div class="action">
+        <div class="action_image">
+            <img src="{{ image }}" />
+        </div>
+        <div class="action_content">
+            <div class="action_title">
+                {{ title }}
+            </div>
+            <div class="action_message">
+                {{ message|raw }}
+            </div>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+{% endmacro %}
+{% import 'base' as base %}
 	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
 	<title>{% block title %}{% endblock %} | {{ System.Title }}</title>
 	{{ HTML.style('media/css/base.css')|raw }}
+	{{ HTML.style('media/css/actionButton.css')|raw }}
 	{{ HTML.script('media/js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js')|raw }}
 	{% block media %}{% endblock %}
diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/index.twig b/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/index.twig
index 5bdd7e07f98a35b53c49c8b50bac790b1660765b..85c45f817b0a9f05df55775a6b37480362fac8f6 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/index.twig
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/index.twig
@@ -5,55 +5,47 @@
 	{{ HTML.style('media/css/courses_teacher_var2.css')|raw }}
 {% endblock %}
-{% macro outputSubject(subject, HTML) %}
+{% macro outputSubject(Subject, HTML) %}
 <div class="discipline">
-    <div class="discipline_header">
-        <div class="discipline_title">{{ subject.Title }}</div>
-    </div>
     <div class="discipline_groups">
-        <table cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
-            <tr class="header_block">
-                <td class='info_cell'>Номер группы</td>
-                <td class='info_cell'>Число студентов</td>
-                <td class='common_cell'>Форма контроля</td>
-                <td class='common_cell'>Преподаватели</td>
-                <td class='common_cell'>Учебная карта</td>
-            </tr>
-        </table> 
-        {% for discipline in subject.Disciplines %}
-            <div class="grade_title">
-                {{ discipline.GradeNum }} РєСѓСЂСЃ
-            </div>
+        <div class="grade_title">
+            {{ Subject.Title }}
+            {% if Subject.GradeNum > 0 %}| {{ Subject.GradeNum }} РєСѓСЂСЃ
+            {% endif %}
+        </div>
+        {% for Discipline in Subject.Disciplines %}
+            {% if loop.first %}
             <div class="group_table">
                 <table cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
-                    {% for group in discipline.Groups %}
-                        {% if loop.index == 1 %}
-                            <tr class="group_block">
-                                <td class='info_cell td_group'>{{ HTML.anchor('rating/'~discipline.ID, group.Num~' группа', {'title': 'Перейти к оцениванию'})|raw }}</td>
-                                <td class='info_cell td_count'>{{ group.Count }}</td>
-                                <td rowspan='2' class='common_cell td_control'>{{ discipline.ControlType }}</td>
-                                <td rowspan='2' class='common_cell td_teachers'>
-                                    {% for teacher in discipline.Teachers %}
-                                        <div>{{ teacher }}</div>
-                                    {% endfor %}
-                                </td>
-                                <td rowspan='2' class='common_cell'>
-                                    {% set UKDcontent = "<div class='show_ukd_btn'>РЈРљР”</div>" %}
-                                    {{ HTML.anchor('map/structure/'~discipline.ID, UKDcontent, {'title': 'Просмотр и редактирование учебной карты дисциплины'})|raw }}
-                                </td>
-                            </tr>
-                        {% else %}
-                            <tr class="group_block">
-                                <td class='info_cell td_group'>{{ HTML.anchor('rating/'~discipline.ID, group.Num~' группа', {'title': 'Перейти к оцениванию'})|raw }}</td>
-                                <td class='info_cell td_count'>{{ group.Count }}</td>
-                            </tr>
-                        {% endif %}
-                    {% endfor %}
+            {% endif %}
+                    <tr class="group_block">
+                        <td class='info_cell td_group'>
+                            {{ Discipline.Groups|default('---') }}
+                        </td>
+                        <td class='common_cell td_control'>
+                            {{ Discipline.ControlType|default('---') }}
+                        </td>
+                        <td class='common_cell td_teachers'>
+                            {% for teacher in Discipline.Teachers %}
+                                <div>{{ teacher }}</div>
+                            {% else %}
+                                ---
+                            {% endfor %}
+                        </td>
+                        <td class='common_cell'>
+                            {% set UKDcontent = "<div class='show_ukd_btn'>Оценивание</div>" %}
+                            {{ HTML.anchor('rating/'~Discipline.ID, UKDcontent, {'title': 'Просмотр и редактирование учебной карты дисциплины'})|raw }}
+                        </td>
+                        <td class='common_cell'>
+                            {% set UKDcontent = "<div class='show_ukd_btn'>Редактирование</div>" %}
+                            {{ HTML.anchor('map/structure/'~Discipline.ID, UKDcontent, {'title': 'Просмотр и редактирование учебной карты дисциплины'})|raw }}
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+            {% if loop.last %}        
+            {% endif %}
         {% endfor %}
@@ -65,11 +57,25 @@
 {% block main_content %}
     <div class="disciplines_wrapper">
-        {% for subject in content.Subjects %}
-            {{ idx.outputSubject(subject, HTML) }}
+        {{ base.action(URL.site('map/create'), 
+                        URL.site('media/img/addList.png'), 
+                        'Создать новую дисциплину', 
+                        'Добавить в систему '~System.Title~' дисциплину. '~
+                        'Этот шаг включает в себя создание УКД, добавление преподавателей, присоединение групп и '~
+                        'выбор определенных студентов, которые будут подписаны на дисциплину.') }}
+        <table cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
+            <tr class="header_block">
+                <td class='info_cell'>Учебные группы</td>
+                <td class='common_cell'>Форма контроля</td>
+                <td class='common_cell'>Преподаватели</td>
+                <td class='common_cell'>Оценивание</td>
+                <td class='common_cell'>Дисциплина</td>
+            </tr>
+        </table>
+        {% for Subject in Subjects %}
+            {{ idx.outputSubject(Subject, HTML) }}
         {% else %}
-            <p class="notification">Похоже, что Вы не ведете ни одного предмета!</p>
+            <p class="notification">Мы не нашли </p>
         {% endfor %}
-		{{ HTML.anchor('map/create', 'Добавить УКД', {'title': 'Перейти к добавлению'})|raw }}
 {% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/~dev_rating/deployConfig/database.php b/~dev_rating/deployConfig/database.php
index 2636e3a2f99e0f9e14518a3a7c7d8b05da7e0b4d..3da6bbe0e39940103a3936be8c830a7c990dc869 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/deployConfig/database.php
+++ b/~dev_rating/deployConfig/database.php
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ return array
 			'username'   => 'mmcs_rating',
 			'password'   => 'Pefnesdy',
 			'persistent' => FALSE,
-			 'options' => array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8')
+			'options' => array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8')
 		 * The following extra options are available for PDO:
diff --git a/~dev_rating/media/css/actionButton.css b/~dev_rating/media/css/actionButton.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1c6cbf5c379e2aaa4a3d99440b6de73df5512ffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/~dev_rating/media/css/actionButton.css
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+    margin-top: 10px;
+    background-color: #ffffff;
+    border: 1px solid #f2f2f2;
+    border-left: 0;
+    border-right: 0;
+    margin: 2px 0;
+    padding: 10px;
+    background-color: #f2f2f2;
+    text-decoration: none;
+.action > div
+    display: inline-block;
+    vertical-align: middle;
+    width: 90%;
+    margin-left: 5px;
+    font-size: 17pt;
+    margin-bottom: 10px;
+    color: #0183ce;
+    font-size: 9pt;
+    color: #000;
diff --git a/~dev_rating/media/css/admin/base.css b/~dev_rating/media/css/admin/base.css
index 0e372c3cead9f3c3e03a02196cb8953282592427..893aa7dd62568f8a9647539f91fde68676d721cb 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/media/css/admin/base.css
+++ b/~dev_rating/media/css/admin/base.css
@@ -186,54 +186,6 @@ a:hover {
         font-size: 10pt;
-    margin-top: 10px;
-    background-color: #ffffff;
-    border: 1px solid #f2f2f2;
-    border-left: 0;
-    border-right: 0;
-    margin: 2px 0;
-    padding: 10px;
-    background-color: #f2f2f2;
-    text-decoration: none;
-.action > div
-    display: inline-block;
-    vertical-align: middle;
-    width: 90%;
-    margin-left: 5px;
-    font-size: 17pt;
-    margin-bottom: 10px;
-    color: #0183ce;
-    font-size: 9pt;
-    color: #000;
 .footer {
diff --git a/~dev_rating/media/css/base.css b/~dev_rating/media/css/base.css
index 51f4ddbfe262f1f1fcac3b72eb3baee7b476f6d0..2403424feb0666b41b8274c03d9fdfb1333997aa 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/media/css/base.css
+++ b/~dev_rating/media/css/base.css
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ a:hover {
 .main_content {
 	width: 100%;
 	position: relative;
-	padding: 25px 0;
+	padding: 15px 0;
diff --git a/~dev_rating/media/css/courses_teacher_var2.css b/~dev_rating/media/css/courses_teacher_var2.css
index c6e9dbf41519f9e2dc69405c1728851f7a2e66ae..cbac6690a17c756f3c10733821c234fd6b794ace 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/media/css/courses_teacher_var2.css
+++ b/~dev_rating/media/css/courses_teacher_var2.css
@@ -19,11 +19,6 @@
 /* ============ Заголовок дисциплины ============== */
-    margin-left: 25px;
@@ -34,10 +29,10 @@
     font-weight: 700;
-.discipline_groups .header_block td
+.header_block td
     padding: 10px;
-    color: #4fbeec;
+    color: #3399CC;
 .discipline_groups .group_table
@@ -47,21 +42,20 @@
 /* ============ Настройки цвета ============== */
-.discipline_groups .group_block .td_group { color: #4fbeec; }
-.discipline_groups .group_block .td_count { color: #3A84A6; }
-.discipline_groups .group_block .td_control { color: #3A84A6; }
+.discipline_groups .group_block .td_group { color: #757575; }
+.discipline_groups .group_block .td_control { color: #757575; }
 .discipline_groups .group_block .td_teachers { color: #757575; }
 /* ============ РЈРљР” ========================== */
 .show_ukd_btn {
-	margin: 0 auto;
+	margin: 5px auto;
 	display: block;
 	border: 0;
 	padding: 6px 20px;
-        width: 60px;
-	background: #757575; /*#3A84A6;*/
+        max-width: 60%;
+	background: #39973f; /*#3A84A6;*/
 	font-weight: bold;
 	font-size: 13px;
 	color: #ffffff;
@@ -77,18 +71,13 @@
 	cursor: pointer;
-/* ============ Плашка курса ================= */
+/* ============ Плашка дисциплины ================= */
 .discipline_groups .grade_title
-    border: 2px solid #2bbd19;
-    background: #2bbd19;
-    color: #fff;
-    width: 90px;
-    position: relative;
-    margin-bottom: -2px;
-    padding-bottom: 2px;
-    text-align: center;
+    color: #3399CC;
+    padding: 5px;
+    text-align: left;
 /* =========== Внутренние границы ============= */
@@ -101,32 +90,14 @@
 /* ============ Внешние границы ============== */
-.discipline_groups .group_block .common_cell
-    border-top: 2px solid;
-    border-bottom: 2px solid;
-    border-color: #ccc;
-.discipline_groups .group_block .common_cell:last-child
-    border-right: 2px solid;
-    border-color: #ccc;
-.discipline_groups .group_block td:first-child
-    border-left: 2px solid;
-    border-color: #ccc;
-.discipline_groups .group_block:first-child .info_cell
+.discipline_groups .group_block:first-child td
     border-top: 2px solid;
     border-color: #ccc;
-.discipline_groups .group_block:last-child .info_cell
+.discipline_groups .group_block:last-child td
     border-bottom: 2px solid;
     border-color: #ccc;
diff --git a/~dev_rating/media/img/addList.png b/~dev_rating/media/img/addList.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1a77935cfec8f59847352aa4d9c36d6bfa077d89
Binary files /dev/null and b/~dev_rating/media/img/addList.png differ