diff --git a/db/StoredProcedures.sql b/db/StoredProcedures.sql
index 8c84f3db06af4ba133dc2d11401f91967a12f876..3ebe064c2e6362398e970d8d6ade43424c13fd00 100644
--- a/db/StoredProcedures.sql
+++ b/db/StoredProcedures.sql
@@ -4240,20 +4240,45 @@ BEGIN
 			students.LastName			AS 'Last',
 			students.FirstName			AS 'First',
 			students.SecondName 		AS 'Second',
+			CONCAT(students.LastName, " ", students.FirstName, " ", students.SecondName)	AS 'FullName',
 			GetRateForDiscSemester(students.ID, DisciplineID) AS 'intermediate',
 			GetRateForDiscBonus(students.ID, DisciplineID) AS 'bonus',
-			GetRateForDiscExam(students.ID, DisciplineID) AS 'exam'
+			GetRateForDiscExam(students.ID, DisciplineID) AS 'exam',
+			GetRateForDisc(students.ID, DisciplineID) AS 'total'
 	FROM `students`
-	INNER JOIN `study_groups` ON study_groups.ID = students.StudyGroupID
+	-- INNER JOIN `study_groups` ON study_groups.ID = students.StudyGroupID
 	-- LEFT JOIN `modules` ON 	modules.DisciplineID = DisciplineID AND
 	-- 						(modules.Type = 'exam' OR modules.Type = 'extra')	
 	-- LEFT JOIN `submodules` ON 	submodules.ModuleID = modules.ID
-	WHERE 	study_groups.ID = StudyGroupID AND 
+	WHERE 	students.StudyGroupID = StudyGroupID AND
 			InternalIsStudentAttached(students.ID, DisciplineID)
 END //
+CREATE PROCEDURE `GetAttestationData`	(	IN `DisciplineID` INT,
+																						IN `StudyGroupID` INT
+		SELECT 	students.ID 	AS 'StudentID',
+						rating_table.Rate As 'Rate',
+						rating_table.Date As 'Date',
+						submodules.OrderNum As 'OrderNum',
+						modules.Type As 'Type'
+		FROM `students`
+				LEFT JOIN `modules` ON 	modules.DisciplineID = DisciplineID AND
+							(modules.Type = 'exam' OR modules.Type = 'extra')
+				LEFT JOIN `submodules` ON 	submodules.ModuleID = modules.ID
+				LEFT JOIN `rating_table` ON 	rating_table.SubmoduleID = submodules.ID AND
+																		 rating_table.StudentID = students.ID
+		WHERE 	students.StudyGroupID = StudyGroupID AND
+					 InternalIsStudentAttached(students.ID, DisciplineID)
+		ORDER BY CONCAT(students.LastName, " ", students.FirstName, " ", students.SecondName) ASC,
+			students.ID ASC, modules.Type = 'exam' ASC, submodules.OrderNum ASC;
+END //
diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Handler/FileCreator.php b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Handler/FileCreator.php
index 6e1ad25aeedb7d10e6429a630d619ae3657f74ea..0be59a2b8769f726e0fae50f5bfebb62a568156f 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Handler/FileCreator.php
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Handler/FileCreator.php
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@ class Controller_Handler_FileCreator extends Controller_Handler
         // $specName = '';  <------- TODO
 		$this->printDisciplineToExcelFile($objPHPExcel, $disciplineID, $groupID, $info[0]);
 		$grade = $info[0]["GradeNum"];
 		$group = $info[0]["GroupNum"];
@@ -207,7 +206,8 @@ class Controller_Handler_FileCreator extends Controller_Handler
         $type = $headerData['ExamType'];
         $db = $this->model;
         $result = $db->getRatesForStudentsGroup($this->user['TeacherID'], $disciplineID, $groupID);
+        $rates = $db->getAttestationData($disciplineID, $groupID);
         // fill header
         $this->prepareSheetHeader($objPHPExcel, $type, $headerData);
@@ -218,7 +218,23 @@ class Controller_Handler_FileCreator extends Controller_Handler
 		$examHold = $this->checkExamIsHold($result);
+        $i=0;
         foreach($result as $studentInfo){
+            while ($rates[$i]['Type'] == 'extra' && $rates[$i]['StudentID'] == $studentInfo['ID']) {
+                $orderNum = $rates[$i]['OrderNum'];
+                $studentInfo['Attempt'][$orderNum]['ExtraRate'] = (int)$rates[$i]['Rate'];
+                $i++;
+            }
+            while ($rates[$i]['Type'] == 'exam' && $rates[$i]['StudentID'] == $studentInfo['ID']) {
+                $orderNum = $rates[$i]['OrderNum'];
+                $studentInfo['Attempt'][$orderNum]['ExamRate'] = (int)$rates[$i]['Rate'];
+                if (($timestamp = strtotime($rates[$i]['Date'])) == false)
+                    $date = '';
+                else
+                    $date = date("d.m.y", $timestamp);
+                $studentInfo['Attempt'][$orderNum]['ExamDate'] = $date;
+                $i++;
+            }
 		    $this->addStudentToSheet($objPHPExcel, $type, $studentInfo, $rowNumber, $index, $examHold);
@@ -277,45 +293,67 @@ class Controller_Handler_FileCreator extends Controller_Handler
     protected function addStudentInfoForCreditToSheet(&$sheet, $data, $row, $index)
-            $indPosition = 'A'; // Номер
-            $namePosition = 'B';  // ФИО 
-            $totalRatePosition = 'G';  // Итоговый рейтинг 
-            $semesterRatePosition  = 'H';   // Сумма баллов
-            $bonusRatePosition = 'I'; // Бонусные баллы
-            $sheet  ->getStyle("A".$row.":S".$row)
-                    ->getBorders()->getAllBorders()
-                    ->setBorderStyle(PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THIN);
-            $sheet  ->getStyle("G".$row.":S".$row)
-                    ->getAlignment()
-                    ->setHorizontal(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
-            $sheet->mergeCells("B".$row.":F".$row);
-            $lastName = $data['Last'];
-            $firstName = $data['First'];
-            $secondName = $data['Second'];
-            $rate = (int)$data['intermediate'];
-            $bonus = (int)$data['bonus'];
-            $fullName = $lastName." ".$firstName." ".$secondName;
-            $totalRate = $rate + $bonus;
+        $indPosition = 'A'; // Номер
+        $namePosition = 'B';  // ФИО
+        $totalRatePosition = 'G';  // Итоговый рейтинг
+        $semesterRatePosition  = 'H';   // Сумма баллов
+        $bonusRatePosition = 'I'; // Бонусные баллы
+        $datePosition = array('*', 'N', 'R'); // Добор
+        $extraRatePosition = array('*', 'L', 'P'); // Добор
+        $stringRatePosition = array('J', 'M', 'Q'); // Оценка вида зачтено/не зачтено
+        $sheet  ->getStyle("A".$row.":S".$row)
+                ->getBorders()->getAllBorders()
+                ->setBorderStyle(PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THIN);
+        $sheet  ->getStyle("G".$row.":S".$row)
+                ->getAlignment()
+                ->setHorizontal(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
+        $sheet->mergeCells("B".$row.":F".$row);
+        $lastName = $data['Last'];
+        $firstName = $data['First'];
+        $secondName = $data['Second'];
+        $semesterRate = (int)$data['intermediate'];
+        $bonus = (int)$data['bonus'];
+        $fullName = $lastName." ".$firstName." ".$secondName;
+        $rateForCredit = $semesterRate;
+        $sheet  ->setCellValue($indPosition.$row, $index)
+            ->setCellValue($namePosition.$row, $fullName)
+            ->setCellValue($semesterRatePosition.$row, $semesterRate)
+            ->setCellValue($bonusRatePosition.$row, $bonus);
+        $i=0;
+        $rateToShow = 0;
+        do {
+            if ($i == 0)
+                $extra = 0;
+            else {
+                $extra = $data['Attempt'][$i]['ExtraRate'];
+                $sheet->setCellValue($datePosition[$i].$row, $data['Attempt'][$i]['Date'])
+                    ->setCellValue($extraRatePosition[$i].$row, $extra);
+            }
+            $rateForCredit += $extra;
+            $totalRate = $rateForCredit + $bonus;
 			if ($totalRate > 100)
 				$totalRate = 100;
-            if($totalRate < 60) {
-                    $tempRate = " ";
+            if($rateForCredit < 60) {
+                    $rateToShow = "";
                     $tempStr = "не зачтено";
             } else {
-                    $tempRate = $totalRate;			
+                    $rateToShow = $totalRate;
                     $tempStr = "зачтено";
-            $sheet  ->setCellValue($indPosition.$row, $index)
-                    ->setCellValue($namePosition.$row, $fullName)
-                    ->setCellValue($totalRatePosition.$row, $tempRate)
-                    ->setCellValue($semesterRatePosition.$row, $rate)
-                    ->setCellValue($bonusRatePosition.$row, $bonus)
-                    ->setCellValue("J".$row, $tempStr);
+            $sheet->setCellValue($stringRatePosition[$i].$row, $tempStr);
+            if ($rateToShow)
+                break;
+        } while(++$i<3);
+        $sheet->setCellValue($totalRatePosition.$row, $rateToShow);
     protected function addStudentInfoForExamToSheet(&$sheet, $data, $row, $index, $examHold)
@@ -325,8 +363,10 @@ class Controller_Handler_FileCreator extends Controller_Handler
         $totalRatePosition = 'H';  // Итоговый рейтинг
         $semesterRatePosition  = 'I';   // Сумма баллов
         $bonusRatePosition = 'J'; // Бонусные баллы
-        $examRatePosition = 'K'; // Баллы за экзамен
-        $rateOfFivePosition = 'L'; // Оценка за экзамен по пятибальной системе
+        $extraRatePosition = 'N'; // Добор
+        $examRatePosition = array('K', 'O', 'S') ; // Баллы за экзамен
+        $rateOfFivePosition = array ('L', 'P', 'T'); // Оценка за экзамен по пятибальной системе
+        $datePosition = array ('*', 'Q', 'U'); // Дата экзамена
         $sheet  ->getStyle("A".$row.":V".$row)
@@ -351,26 +391,42 @@ class Controller_Handler_FileCreator extends Controller_Handler
         $lastName = $data['Last'];
         $firstName = $data['First'];
         $secondName = $data['Second'];
-        $rate = (int)$data['intermediate'];
+        $semesterRate = (int)$data['intermediate'];
         $bonus = (int)$data['bonus'];
-        $examRateValue = (int)$data['exam'];
-		if ($examRateValue < 0)
-			$examRateValue = 0;
         $fullName = $lastName." ".$firstName." ".$secondName;
-        $totalRateValue = $rate + $examRateValue + $bonus;
-        if ($totalRateValue > 100)
-            $totalRateValue = 100;
-        list($totalRate, $rateOfFive, $examRate) = $this->formRateOfFive($rate, $examRateValue, $totalRateValue, $examHold);
+        $examAdmission = $semesterRate;
         $sheet  ->setCellValue($indPosition.$row, $index)
             ->setCellValue($namePosition.$row, $fullName)
-            ->setCellValue($totalRatePosition.$row, $totalRate)
-            ->setCellValue($semesterRatePosition.$row, $rate)
-            ->setCellValue($bonusRatePosition.$row, $bonus)
-            ->setCellValue($examRatePosition.$row, $examRate)
-            ->setCellValue($rateOfFivePosition.$row, $rateOfFive);
+            ->setCellValue($semesterRatePosition.$row, $semesterRate)
+            ->setCellValue($bonusRatePosition.$row, $bonus);
+        $i=0;
+        do {
+            if (!$data['Attempt'][$i+1]['ExamDate'])
+                break;
+            $examRateValue = $data['Attempt'][$i+1]['ExamRate'];
+            if ($i == 0)
+                $extra = 0;
+            else {
+                $extra = $data['Attempt'][1]['ExtraRate'];
+                $sheet->setCellValue($datePosition[$i].$row, $data['Attempt'][$i+1]['ExamDate'])
+                    ->setCellValue($extraRatePosition.$row, $extra);
+            }
+            $examAdmission += $extra;
+            $total = $examAdmission+$examRateValue+$bonus;
+            list($totalRateStr, $rateOfFive, $examRateStr) =
+                $this->formRateOfFive($examAdmission, $examRateValue, $total, $examHold);
+            $sheet->setCellValue($examRatePosition[$i].$row, $examRateStr)
+                ->setCellValue($rateOfFivePosition[$i].$row, $rateOfFive);
+            if ($totalRateStr)
+                break;
+        } while(++$i<3);
+        $sheet->setCellValue($totalRatePosition.$row, $totalRateStr);
     protected function getSheetName(&$disciplineInfo) {
@@ -479,18 +535,20 @@ class Controller_Handler_FileCreator extends Controller_Handler
     // Определяет оценку по пятибальной системе
-    protected function formRateOfFive($semesterRate, $examRateValue, $totalRateValue, $examHold)
+    protected function formRateOfFive($examAdmission, $examRateValue, $totalRateValue, $examHold)
-        $totalRate = '';
+        if ($totalRateValue > 100)
+            $totalRateValue = 100;
+        $totalRateStr = '';
         $rateOfFive = '';
-		$examRate = '';
+		$examRateStr = '';
         if ($examHold != 0) 
-			$examRate = $examRateValue;
-			if (($semesterRate < 38) or ($examRateValue < 22)) {
+			$examRateStr = $examRateValue;
+			if (($examAdmission < 38) or ($examRateValue < 22)) {
 				$rateOfFive = 'неуд';
 			} else {
-				$totalRate = $totalRateValue;
+				$totalRateStr = $totalRateValue;
 				$rateOfFive = 'СѓРґРѕРІР»';
 				if (($totalRateValue >= 71) and ($totalRateValue < 85))
 					$rateOfFive = 'С…РѕСЂ';
@@ -500,14 +558,14 @@ class Controller_Handler_FileCreator extends Controller_Handler
-			if ($semesterRate < 38) { // задолженник
-				$totalRate = ' ';
+			if ($examAdmission < 38) { // задолженник
+				//$totalRateStr = ' ';
 				$rateOfFive = 'неуд';
-				$examRate = '0';
+				$examRateStr = '0';
-        return array($totalRate, $rateOfFive, $examRate);
+        return array($totalRateStr, $rateOfFive, $examRateStr);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Model/Teacher/Rating.php b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Model/Teacher/Rating.php
index 02c4c36b2db40b96dc9b1b300a8bb7cda53510eb..57936a707c488037566bab4e61bd2ba8dd88e5c6 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Model/Teacher/Rating.php
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Model/Teacher/Rating.php
@@ -52,12 +52,19 @@ class Model_Teacher_Rating extends Model
     public function getRatesForStudentsGroup($teacherID, $disciplineID, $groupID)
-        $sql = "CALL `getRatesForStudentsGroup`($teacherID, $disciplineID, $groupID)";
+        $sql = "CALL `GetRatesForStudentsGroup`($teacherID, $disciplineID, $groupID)";
         return DB::query(Database::SELECT, $sql)->execute();
+    public function getAttestationData($disciplineID, $groupID)
+    {
+        $sql = "CALL `GetAttestationData`($disciplineID, $groupID)";
+        return DB::query(Database::SELECT, $sql)->execute();
+    }
     public function getFinalFormInfo($disciplineID, $groupID)
-        $sql = "CALL `getFinalFormInfo`($disciplineID, $groupID)";
+        $sql = "CALL `GetFinalFormInfo`($disciplineID, $groupID)";
         return DB::query(Database::SELECT, $sql)->execute();
diff --git a/~dev_rating/media/js/discipline/EditStudents.js b/~dev_rating/media/js/discipline/EditStudents.js
index 551845e1c3428a33e25064619f0db8d0b0a950e9..1aeb00c521de99923f673b45ff3c44cad667b9db 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/media/js/discipline/EditStudents.js
+++ b/~dev_rating/media/js/discipline/EditStudents.js
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ $(function() {
         if (GroupContainer.css("display") == "none") {
             $(this).children(".Action").text("Скрыть список ▲");
-            GroupContainer.css("height", GroupContainer.height());
+            GroupContainer.css("height", GroupContainer.height() + 3);
         else {
             $(this).children(".Action").text("Открыть список ▼");
diff --git a/~dev_rating/media/less/teacher/discipline/EditStudents.css b/~dev_rating/media/less/teacher/discipline/EditStudents.css
index 751d3d1eec1aed294a106cb7c0f515bfdde37339..c62250e302591917c5ee8174b7d5d0da81dc565c 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/media/less/teacher/discipline/EditStudents.css
+++ b/~dev_rating/media/less/teacher/discipline/EditStudents.css
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 .StudentsList .GroupContainer .hideListAction {
   float: left;
-  background: url("../imgicons/triangle_up.png") no-repeat center center #f9f9f9;
-  width: 40px;
+  background: url("../../../img/icons/triangle_up.png") no-repeat center center #f9f9f9;
+  width: 5%;
   height: 100%;
   margin-top: 10px;
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 .StudentsList .Student {
   float: right;
-  width: 880px;
+  width: 90%;
   margin-top: 10px;
   padding: 7px 10px;
   box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #DDE8F0;
diff --git a/~dev_rating/media/less/teacher/discipline/EditStudents.less b/~dev_rating/media/less/teacher/discipline/EditStudents.less
index c36409e3afe44aaf69ffaee4513edde777ea19ce..74bbb484a03a930b2efe1e5c8d2c1a871ece1b6b 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/media/less/teacher/discipline/EditStudents.less
+++ b/~dev_rating/media/less/teacher/discipline/EditStudents.less
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 @import (reference) "../../common.less";
+@ImagePath: '../../../img/';
 /* Прикрипление студентов */
 .StudentsList {
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@
 .StudentsList .GroupContainer .hideListAction{
   float: left;
   background: url(@IconTriangleUp) no-repeat center center #f9f9f9;
-  width: 40px;
+  width: 5%;
   height: 100%;
   margin-top: 10px;
@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@
 .StudentsList .Student {
   float: right;
-  width: 880px;
+  width: 90%;
   margin-top: 10px;
   padding: 7px 10px;
   box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #DDE8F0;