diff --git a/db/postgresql/alter_study_groups_formid_17.11.18.sql b/db/postgresql/alter_study_groups_formid_17.11.18.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ff272f4e32799daec615f6be00eb86ebe5e322e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/postgresql/alter_study_groups_formid_17.11.18.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+update study_groups set formid=1;
+ALTER TABLE public.study_groups ALTER COLUMN formid SET NOT NULL;
+ALTER TABLE public.study_groups ALTER COLUMN formid SET DEFAULT 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.study_groups DROP CONSTRAINT study_groups_facultyid_gradeid_groupnum_key;
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.study_groups
+  ADD CONSTRAINT study_groups_facultyid_gradeid_groupnum_formid_key UNIQUE (facultyid, gradeid, groupnum, formid);
+INSERT INTO public.study_form(id, formname) VALUES
+  (1, 'очная'),
+  (2, 'очно-заочная'),
+  (3, 'заочная');
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.study_groups
+  ADD CONSTRAINT study_groups_ibfk_4 FOREIGN KEY (formid) REFERENCES study_form(id);
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public.creategroup(pgradeid integer, pgroupnum integer, pspecname character varying, pfacultyid integer, pyear integer);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.creategroup(pgradeid integer, pgroupnum integer, pspecname character varying, pfacultyid integer, pyear integer, pformid integer)
+  RETURNS integer
+LANGUAGE plpgsql
+AS $function$
+        vSpecId INT DEFAULT null;
+        vGroupYear INT DEFAULT null;
+        vIsSpecMatch BOOL DEFAULT null;
+  --select public.creategroup(
+  --	:pgradeid,	-- put the pgradeid parameter value instead of 'pgradeid' (int4)
+  --	:pgroupnum,	-- put the pgroupnum parameter value instead of 'pgroupnum' (int4)
+  --	:pspecname,	-- put the pspecname parameter value instead of 'pspecname' (varchar)
+  --	:pfacultyid,	-- put the pfacultyid parameter value instead of 'pfacultyid' (int4)
+  --	:pyear 	-- put the pyear parameter value instead of 'pyear' (int4)
+  --);
+  -- create specialization vSpecId - UNIQUE (pSpecName,pFacultyID)
+  select specializations.id into vSpecId
+  from specializations
+  where specializations.facultyid=pFacultyID and specializations."name" like pSpecName;
+  if (vSpecId is null) then
+    INSERT INTO specializations (Name, Abbr, FacultyID)
+    VALUES  (pSpecName, NULL, pFacultyID)
+    returning id into vSpecId;
+  end if;
+  -- create group  vGroupID - UNIQUE (pGradeID, pGroupNum, pFacultyID)
+  select study_groups.id into vGroupID
+  from study_groups
+  where study_groups.gradeid=pgradeID
+        and study_groups.groupnum= pGroupNum
+        and study_groups.facultyid=pFacultyID
+        and study_groups.formid=pFormID;
+  if ( vGroupID  is null) then
+    INSERT INTO study_groups (GradeID, GroupNum, FacultyID, FormID)
+    VALUES (pGradeID, pGroupNum, pFacultyID, pFormID)
+    returning id into  vGroupID ;
+  end if;
+  SELECT groups_years.groupid, groups_years.specializationid = vSpecId
+  INTO vGroupYear, vIsSpecMatch
+  FROM groups_years
+  WHERE groups_years.groupid = vGroupID AND groups_years."year" = pYear
+  LIMIT 1;
+  IF  (vGroupYear is null) THEN
+    INSERT INTO groups_years (GroupID, Year, SpecializationID)
+    VALUES (vGroupID, pYear, vSpecId);
+    RETURN -1;
+  END IF;
+  RETURN vGroupID;
+  when others then
+    RETURN -1;
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public.getgroupsfordisciplineall(pdisciplineid integer);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.getgroupsfordisciplineall(pdisciplineid integer)
+  RETURNS TABLE("ID" integer, "GroupNum" integer, "GradeID" integer, "GradeNum" integer, "Degree" bachelor_master_specialist, "SpecID" integer, "SpecName" character varying, "SpecAbbr" character varying, "FormID" character varying)
+LANGUAGE plpgsql
+AS $function$
+  vSemesterID := GetDisciplineProperty(pDisciplineID, 'semester');
+  SELECT "year"  into vYear from semesters where semesters.ID = vSemesterID;
+  -- general + attached
+    SELECT students_groups.GroupID
+    FROM view_disciplines_recordbooks
+      INNER JOIN students_groups ON students_groups.RecordBookID = view_disciplines_recordbooks.RecordBookID AND
+                                    students_groups.SemesterID = vSemesterID AND
+                                    students_groups.State <= 'outlet'
+    WHERE view_disciplines_recordbooks.DisciplineID = pDisciplineID AND
+          'attach' = COALESCE(view_disciplines_recordbooks.Type, 'attach')
+    GROUP BY students_groups.GroupID
+  );
+  return query
+  SELECT  view_groups.GroupID AS "ID",
+          view_groups.GroupNum as "GroupNum",
+          view_groups.GradeID	as "GradeID",
+          view_groups.GradeNum as "GradeNum",
+          view_groups."degree" as "Degree",
+          view_groups.SpecID as "SpecID",
+          view_groups.SpecName as "SpecName",
+          view_groups.SpecAbbr as "SpecAbbr",
+          (SELECT study_form.FormName from study_form WHERE study_form.id = view_groups.FormID)
+          --view_groups.FormID as "FormID"
+  FROM tGroup
+    INNER JOIN view_groups ON tGroup.GroupID = view_groups.GroupID AND view_groups.Year = vYear
+  ORDER BY view_groups.GradeID ASC, view_groups.GroupID ASC;
+DROP VIEW public.view_groups;
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.view_groups
+  AS SELECT study_groups.id AS groupid,
+       study_groups.groupnum,
+            groups_years.name AS groupname,
+            grades.id AS gradeid,
+            grades.num AS gradenum,
+            grades.degree,
+            specializations.id AS specid,
+            specializations.name AS specname,
+            specializations.abbr AS specabbr,
+            specializations.code AS speccode,
+            study_groups.formid AS formid,
+            faculties.id AS facultyid,
+            faculties.name AS facultyname,
+            faculties.abbr AS facultyabbr,
+            groups_years.year
+     FROM groups_years
+       JOIN study_groups ON groups_years.groupid = study_groups.id
+       JOIN specializations ON groups_years.specializationid = specializations.id
+       JOIN grades ON study_groups.gradeid = grades.id
+       JOIN faculties ON faculties.id = specializations.facultyid;
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public.getgroups(pgradeid integer, pfacultyid integer, psemesterid integer);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.getgroups(pgradeid integer, pfacultyid integer, psemesterid integer)
+  RETURNS TABLE("ID" integer, "GroupNum" integer, "SpecID" integer, "SpecName" character varying, "SpecAbbr" character varying, "FormID" character varying)
+AS $function$
+--select * from public.getgroups(
+--	:pgradeid,	-- put the pgradeid parameter value instead of 'pgradeid' (int4)
+--	:pfacultyid,	-- put the pfacultyid parameter value instead of 'pfacultyid' (int4)
+--	:psemesterid 	-- put the psemesterid parameter value instead of 'psemesterid' (int4)
+SELECT  view_groups.GroupID AS "ID",
+        view_groups.GroupNum as "GroupNum",
+        view_groups.SpecID as "SpecID",
+        view_groups.SpecName as "SpecName",
+        view_groups.SpecAbbr as "SpecAbbr",
+  (SELECT study_form.FormName from study_form WHERE study_form.id = view_groups.FormID)
+FROM view_groups
+  INNER JOIN semesters ON semesters.ID = pSemesterID
+WHERE   view_groups.GradeID = pGradeID AND
+        view_groups.FacultyID = pFacultyID AND
+        view_groups.Year = semesters.Year
+ORDER BY view_groups.GroupNum ASC;
+drop function if exists public.getfinalforminfo(pdisciplineid integer, pgroupid integer);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.getfinalforminfo(pdisciplineid integer, pgroupid integer)
+  RETURNS TABLE("GroupNum" integer, "GroupName" character varying, "GradeID" integer, "GradeNum" integer, "Degree" bachelor_master_specialist, "SpecID" integer, "SpecName" character varying, "SpecAbbr" character varying, "SpecCode" character varying, "FacultyID" integer, "FacultyName" character varying, "FacultyAbbr" character varying, "ExamType" exam_credit_grading_credit, "SubjectID" integer, "SubjectName" character varying, "SubjectAbbr" character varying, "AuthorID" integer, "LastName" character varying, "FirstName" character varying, "SecondName" character varying, "JobPosition" character varying, "Year" integer, "SemesterNum" integer, "StudyForm" character varying)
+AS $function$
+--select * from public.getfinalforminfo(
+--	:pdisciplineid,	-- put the pdisciplineid parameter value instead of 'pdisciplineid' (int4)
+--	:pgroupid 	-- put the pgroupid parameter value instead of 'pgroupid' (int4)
+SELECT  study_groups.GroupNum AS "GroupNum",
+        groups_years.Name AS "GroupName",
+        grades.ID AS "GradeID",
+        grades.Num AS "GradeNum",
+        grades.Degree AS "Degree",
+        specializations.ID AS "SpecID",
+        specializations.Name AS "SpecName",
+        specializations.Abbr AS "SpecAbbr",
+        specializations.Code AS "SpecCode",
+        faculties.ID AS "FacultyID",
+        faculties.Name AS "FacultyName",
+        faculties.Abbr AS "FacultyAbbr",
+        disciplines.ExamType AS "ExamType",
+        subjects.ID AS "SubjectID",
+        subjects.Name AS "SubjectName",
+        subjects.Abbr AS "SubjectAbbr",
+        teachers.ID AS "AuthorID",
+        accounts.LastName AS "LastName",
+        accounts.FirstName AS "FirstName",
+        accounts.SecondName AS "SecondName",
+        job_positions.Name AS "JobPosition",
+  --departments.ID AS "DepID",
+  --departments.Name AS "DepName",
+        semesters."year" AS "Year",
+        semesters.Num AS "SemesterNum",
+        (SELECT study_form.FormName from study_form WHERE study_form.id = (
+          select study_groups.formid from study_groups
+          where study_groups.id = pgroupid
+        )
+        ) AS "StudyForm"
+FROM study_groups
+  INNER JOIN grades ON study_groups.GradeID = grades.ID
+  INNER JOIN disciplines ON disciplines.ID = pDisciplineID
+  INNER JOIN subjects ON disciplines.SubjectID = subjects.ID
+  INNER JOIN teachers ON teachers.ID = disciplines.AuthorID
+  INNER JOIN accounts ON teachers.AccountID = accounts.ID
+  --INNER JOIN departments ON departments.ID = teachers.DepartmentID
+  INNER JOIN job_positions ON job_positions.ID = teachers.JobPositionID
+  INNER JOIN semesters ON disciplines.SemesterID = semesters.ID
+  INNER JOIN groups_years ON groups_years.GroupID = study_groups.ID AND groups_years.Year = semesters.Year
+  INNER JOIN specializations ON groups_years.SpecializationID = specializations.ID
+  INNER JOIN faculties ON faculties.ID = specializations.FacultyID
+WHERE study_groups.ID = pGroupID
diff --git a/media/js/optionLoader.js b/media/js/optionLoader.js
index b7bcb5c3a55cff1033caa11a483f8e8b2a9382a0..cb3247f6cb5c117e43dac626ade7a4aae4c1902f 100644
--- a/media/js/optionLoader.js
+++ b/media/js/optionLoader.js
@@ -85,10 +85,19 @@ class OptionLoader {
 let getGroupOption = (data) => {
     let str = `РіСЂСѓРїРїР° ${data.GroupNum}`;
     if (data.SpecName) {
         str += " - ";
         str += data.SpecName;
+    if (data.FormID === 'заочная') {
+        str = str+' Р—Рћ';
+    }
+    if (data.FormID === 'очно-заочная') {
+        str = str+' Р’Рћ';
+    }
     return `<option value='${data.ID}'>${str}</option>`;
diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Api/V0/Student.php b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Api/V0/Student.php
index 309452e1c5c4667e20519ced7f68998302dd7a0a..cb3c4cded7ae72451d671b4ea3f9deae1386dd36 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Api/V0/Student.php
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Api/V0/Student.php
@@ -76,7 +76,15 @@ class Controller_Api_V0_Student extends Controller_Handler_Api {
         switch ($recordBookData->form) {
             case 'Очная':
-                $recordBookData->form = '1';
+                $recordBookData->form = 1;
+                break;
+            case 'Очно-заочная':
+                $recordBookData->form = 2;
+                break;
+            case 'Заочная':
+                $recordBookData->form = 3;
@@ -97,7 +105,7 @@ class Controller_Api_V0_Student extends Controller_Handler_Api {
                 $year = Model_Plan::load($recordBookData->planID)->year;
-                $group = Model_Group::findOrCreate($gradeID, $recordBookData->group, $speciality, $recordBookData->facultyID, $year);
+                $group = Model_Group::findOrCreate($gradeID, $recordBookData->group, $speciality, $recordBookData->facultyID, $year, $recordBookData->form);
                 if (is_null($group)) {
                     throw new InvalidArgumentException('RecordBook: group not found');
diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Handler/FileCreator.php b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Handler/FileCreator.php
index 13526d68a5e0989689d1d128115f8ca7772c5a1c..18c053bcfe89f4faaa183211fbbc5eab4e680d5f 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Handler/FileCreator.php
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Handler/FileCreator.php
@@ -433,6 +433,9 @@ class Controller_Handler_FileCreator extends Controller_Handler
         $range = $objPHPExcel->getNamedRange("CreationDate")->getRange();
         $sheet->setCellValue($range, date("d.m.y"));
+        $range = $objPHPExcel->getNamedRange("StudyForm")->getRange();
+        $sheet->setCellValue($range, $data['StudyForm'] . ' форма обучения');
         $range = $objPHPExcel->getNamedRange("Date")->getRange();
         if ($disciplineType == 'exam') {
             $controlDate = "Дата экзамена\n__________";
diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Teacher/Index.php b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Teacher/Index.php
index e32d08315e0f1956735a85e9baca54f706e41ea9..9e6b36fe47c843fb6a970d097f3ec63e06717439 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Teacher/Index.php
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Controller/Teacher/Index.php
@@ -33,8 +33,30 @@ class Controller_Teacher_Index extends Controller_Environment_Teacher
                 $list = $dis->getTeachers()->groupByUniqueKey('ID');
                 $teachers[$dis->ID] = $this->getShortListOfTeachers($list, $dis->AuthorID, $this->user->TeacherID);
-            if (isset($dis->GroupNum) && $dis->GroupNum)
-                $groups[$dis->ID][] = $dis->GroupNum . ' РіСЂ';
+            if (isset($dis->GroupNum) && $dis->GroupNum) {
+                $groupDesc = $dis->GroupNum . ' РіСЂ';
+                $groups[$dis->ID][] = $groupDesc;
+            } else {
+                $dis_groups = $dis->getAllGroups()->groupByUniqueKey('ID');
+                foreach ($dis_groups as $dis_group) {
+                    $groupDesc = '';
+                    if ($dis_group['Degree'] === 'bachelor') {
+                        $groupDesc = $dis->GroupNum . ' гр. бакалавриат' ;
+                    }
+                    if ($dis_group['Degree'] === 'master') {
+                        $groupDesc = $dis->GroupNum . 'гр. магистратура ';
+                    }
+                    if ($dis_group['FormID'] === 'очно-заочная') {
+                        $groupDesc = $groupDesc.' Р’Рћ';
+                    }
+                    if ($dis_group['FormID'] === 'заочная') {
+                        $groupDesc = $groupDesc.' Р—Рћ';
+                    }
+                    $groups[$dis->ID][] = $dis_group['GradeNum'] . ' Рє. '. $dis_group['GroupNum'] . $groupDesc;
+                }
+            }
             if (!isset($students[$dis->ID])) {
                 $students[$dis->ID] = array_filter($dis->getStudents(), function ($student) {
@@ -51,7 +73,13 @@ class Controller_Teacher_Index extends Controller_Environment_Teacher
             'Subjects'     => $subjects,
             'Teachers'     => $teachers,
             'Groups'       => $groups,
-            'Students'     => $students,
+            // http://gitlab.mmcs.sfedu.ru/it-lab/grade/issues/50
+            // Передача списка прикрепленных студентов отключена чтобы
+            // не загромождать пользовательский интерфейс
+            // и потому что списки студентов определяются только данными из 1С
+            // теперь в списке дисциплин нельзя быстро увидеть список студентов
+            // но можно вернуть эту функциональность, раскомментировав строку
+            // 'Students'     => $students,
             'DisciplineCreationISAllowed'  => Model_System::loadConfig()->Functional->DisciplineCreation,
             'EMailChanged' => $EMailChanged,
diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Model/Discipline.php b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Model/Discipline.php
index 72c155974f2153b40a7d02d2a0752a667106c95a..0d61cb4fb5db1309fb370e6976b47816c7f18833 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Model/Discipline.php
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Model/Discipline.php
@@ -104,6 +104,14 @@ class Model_Discipline extends Model_Container
     /** Get groups with separately attached students. */
     public function getAllGroups() {
+        // http://gitlab.mmcs.sfedu.ru/it-lab/grade/issues/50
+        // для получения списка групп для всех дисциплин на странице преподавателя
+        // нужно сделать несколько запросов к GetGroupsForDisciplineAll
+        // за одно подключение к базе данных
+        // но тогда функция возвращает один и тот же ответ
+        // поэтому каждый раз подключаемся заново
+        $db = Kohana_Database::instance();
+        $db->disconnect();
         $sql = 'SELECT * FROM GetGroupsForDisciplineAll(:id)';
         return DB::query(Database::SELECT, $sql)->param(':id', $this->ID)->execute();
diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Model/Group.php b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Model/Group.php
index 53015addba3231df5177db07827904416b693a11..62bbcf91b87d38ae044086b2debb1a61b89f029b 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/application/classes/Model/Group.php
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/classes/Model/Group.php
@@ -14,14 +14,15 @@ class Model_Group extends Model
         return $g;
-    public static function findOrCreate($gradeID, $groupNum, $specialization, $facultyID, $year) {
-        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM CreateGroup(:gradeID, :groupNum, :specialization, :facultyID, :year) AS "ID"';
+    public static function findOrCreate($gradeID, $groupNum, $specialization, $facultyID, $year, $form) {
+        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM CreateGroup(:gradeID, :groupNum, :specialization, :facultyID, :year, :form) AS "ID"';
         $id = DB::query(Database::SELECT, $sql)
             ->param(':gradeID', $gradeID)
             ->param(':groupNum', (int)$groupNum)
             ->param(':specialization', $specialization)
             ->param(':facultyID', $facultyID)
             ->param(':year', $year)
+            ->param(':form', $form)
         if ($id <= 0) {
             return null;
diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/discipline/journal.twig b/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/discipline/journal.twig
index ce536ff4b2b04e33a92144b5c4e32f1da985eeed..aa1c15425ae7831321e6116d4da37dce7791de21 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/discipline/journal.twig
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/discipline/journal.twig
@@ -102,6 +102,14 @@
                         {% endif %}
                         {{ Group.GroupNum }} РіСЂСѓРїРїР°
+                        {% if Group.FormID == 'очно-заочная' %}
+                            Р’Рћ
+                        {% endif %}
+                        {% if Group.FormID == 'заочная' %}
+                            Р—Рћ
+                        {% endif %}
                 {% endfor %}
diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/discipline/rating/exam.twig b/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/discipline/rating/exam.twig
index ad5808575dc048123c36d4f2636ee6d0935c3b7d..33cb4d87b9d1f60fb3512d622708fe3b084c7267 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/discipline/rating/exam.twig
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/discipline/rating/exam.twig
@@ -67,6 +67,14 @@
                         {% endif %}
                         {{ Group.GroupNum }} РіСЂСѓРїРїР°
+                        {% if Group.FormID == 'очно-заочная' %}
+                            Р’Рћ
+                        {% endif %}
+                        {% if Group.FormID == 'заочная' %}
+                            Р—Рћ
+                        {% endif %}
                 {% endfor %}
diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/discipline/rating/rate.twig b/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/discipline/rating/rate.twig
index 32fb0017b5574e035e54bb2586d837cb469e48c0..5085c6d9aefdcf6df7158a83e403e5cda3e4038e 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/discipline/rating/rate.twig
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/discipline/rating/rate.twig
@@ -59,6 +59,13 @@
                         {% endif %}
                         {{ Group.GroupNum }} РіСЂСѓРїРїР°
+                        {% if Group.FormID == 'очно-заочная' %}
+                            Р’Рћ
+                        {% endif %}
+                        {% if Group.FormID == 'заочная' %}
+                            Р—Рћ
+                        {% endif %}
                 {% endfor %}
diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/index.twig b/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/index.twig
index b1cc18baebaf6cdd081a4b6742fbf929f6497d1e..8ce52d1c890291fa83f5b4233527fc9f172ad5c8 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/index.twig
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/index.twig
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@
                 {% set StudentsList = StudentsList | merge([StudentName]) %}
             {% endfor %}
             {% if GroupsList and StudentsList %}
-                {{ GroupsList | join(', ') }},
+                {{ GroupsList | join(' <br> ') | raw }},
                 <abbr title="{{ StudentsList | join('\n') }}">Отдельные студенты</abbr>
             {% elseif GroupsList %}
-                {{ GroupsList | join(', ') }}.
+                {{ GroupsList | join(' <br> ') | raw }}.
             {% elseif StudentsList %}
                 <abbr title="{{ StudentsList | join('\n') }}">Отдельные студенты</abbr>
             {% else %}
diff --git a/~dev_rating/docs/old template credit.xls b/~dev_rating/docs/old template credit.xls
index 339f988f24170b1bfa96891150f02f14779e4ae3..f87157bbb6246642dd9ba4061887a9387cadc252 100644
Binary files a/~dev_rating/docs/old template credit.xls and b/~dev_rating/docs/old template credit.xls differ
diff --git a/~dev_rating/docs/old template exam.xls b/~dev_rating/docs/old template exam.xls
index 5237d59f882691d13792ebe63f99b4fcb18a61c9..45d933ecba99d62bacc7fcf6aafaa07f6bb9cdf1 100644
Binary files a/~dev_rating/docs/old template exam.xls and b/~dev_rating/docs/old template exam.xls differ
diff --git a/~dev_rating/docs/template credit 0 1.xls b/~dev_rating/docs/template credit 0 1.xls
index 995bcaec860753ce6c713f38f816a19aab141fd9..59db6a2c7516efec69ee22c4501fd39385f38278 100644
Binary files a/~dev_rating/docs/template credit 0 1.xls and b/~dev_rating/docs/template credit 0 1.xls differ
diff --git a/~dev_rating/docs/template credit 2 3.xls b/~dev_rating/docs/template credit 2 3.xls
index 6e54b1db3ede36de742942f40112c012e6edd8ee..30fbc9f18e1b6080b5da50c9bc1f9de4e3c8310b 100644
Binary files a/~dev_rating/docs/template credit 2 3.xls and b/~dev_rating/docs/template credit 2 3.xls differ
diff --git a/~dev_rating/docs/template exam 0 1.xls b/~dev_rating/docs/template exam 0 1.xls
index 8d0684d1094a86b778b362e9c4deb0422014987b..50fc704eae8fa28f13b3005d36a3d3edb13b6475 100644
Binary files a/~dev_rating/docs/template exam 0 1.xls and b/~dev_rating/docs/template exam 0 1.xls differ
diff --git a/~dev_rating/docs/template exam 2 3.xls b/~dev_rating/docs/template exam 2 3.xls
index 60373f5f4e24055abd67e0635e01e78e4381bf24..7545a01b38e03b1a7b329f4cbfcabb31099a59cc 100644
Binary files a/~dev_rating/docs/template exam 2 3.xls and b/~dev_rating/docs/template exam 2 3.xls differ