diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/discipline/rating/rate.twig b/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/discipline/rating/rate.twig
index 7893c2b6d96675538af467a3444d57e2894d4030..0c065f2ab61a3bf8e62a53345bdfb4eff26017ae 100644
--- a/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/discipline/rating/rate.twig
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/views/teacher/discipline/rating/rate.twig
@@ -18,9 +18,7 @@
 {% endmacro %}
 {# Вывод данных "прилеплен" для выдачи корректного ответа #}
-{% macro RateCellCheck(Discipline, ModuleType) %}{{
-    Discipline.Milestone == 0 and (ModuleType == 'regular' or ModuleType == 'bonus')
-}}{% endmacro %}
+{% macro RateCellCheck(Discipline, ModuleType) %}{{ Discipline.Milestone == 0 and (ModuleType == 'regular' or ModuleType == 'bonus') }}{% endmacro %}
 {% macro RateCell(Col, Row, Discipline, ModuleType, Rate) %}
     {% if _self.RateCellCheck(Discipline, ModuleType) %}
@@ -82,168 +80,168 @@
     <div class="rateContent">
         <table id="studentsRate">
-                {% set ColCount = 3 %}
-                {% for Module in Modules %}
-                    {% if Module.Type == 'regular' %}
-                        {% set ColCount = ColCount + Module.Submodules|length %}
-                    {% else %}
-                        {% set ColCount = ColCount + 1 %}
-                    {% endif %}
+            {% set ColCount = 3 %}
+            {% for Module in Modules %}
+                {% if Module.Type == 'regular' %}
+                    {% set ColCount = ColCount + Module.Submodules|length %}
+                {% else %}
+                    {% set ColCount = ColCount + 1 %}
+                {% endif %}
+            {% endfor %}
+            <tr id="modulesHead">
+                <td>Модуль</td>
+                {% for Module in Modules if Module.Type == 'regular' %}
+                    <td colspan="{{ Module.Submodules|length }}">{{ Module.Name }}</td>
                 {% endfor %}
-                <tr id="modulesHead">
-                    <td>Модуль</td>
-                    {% for Module in Modules if Module.Type == 'regular' %}
-                        <td colspan="{{ Module.Submodules|length }}">{{ Module.Name }}</td>
-                    {% endfor %}
-                    <td rowspan="3">Итог за семестр</td>
+                <td rowspan="3">Итог за семестр</td>
-                    {% if Discipline.IsBonus %}
-                        <td rowspan="2">Бонус</td>
-                    {% endif %}
+                {% if Discipline.IsBonus %}
+                    <td rowspan="2">Бонус</td>
+                {% endif %}
-                    <td rowspan="3">Добор</td>
+                <td rowspan="3">Добор</td>
-                    {% if Discipline.Type == 'exam' %}
-                        <td rowspan="3">Экзамен</td>
-                    {% endif %}
+                {% if Discipline.Type == 'exam' %}
+                    <td rowspan="3">Экзамен</td>
+                {% endif %}
-                    <td rowspan="3">Итог</td>
-                </tr>
+                <td rowspan="3">Итог</td>
+            </tr>
-                <tr id="submodulesHead">
-                    {% set Col = 1 %}
+            <tr id="submodulesHead">
+                {% set Col = 1 %}
-                    <td>Мероприятие</td>
+                <td>Мероприятие</td>
-                    {% for Module in Modules %}
-                        {% for Submodule in Module.Submodules if Module.Type == 'regular'%}
-                            <td class="col_{{ Col }}">{{ Submodule.Name }}</td>
-                            {% set Col = Col + 1 %}
-                        {% endfor %}
+                {% for Module in Modules %}
+                    {% for Submodule in Module.Submodules if Module.Type == 'regular' %}
+                        <td class="col_{{ Col }}">{{ Submodule.Name }}</td>
+                        {% set Col = Col + 1 %}
                     {% endfor %}
+                {% endfor %}
-                    {% if Discipline.IsBonus %}
-                        <td class="col_{{ Col }}" style="display: none">Бонусные баллы</td>
-                        {% set Col = Col + 1 %}
-                    {% endif %}
-                </tr>
+                {% if Discipline.IsBonus %}
+                    <td class="col_{{ Col }}" style="display: none">Бонусные баллы</td>
+                    {% set Col = Col + 1 %}
+                {% endif %}
+            </tr>
-                <tr id="submodulesHeadMaxRate">
-                    {% set Col = 1 %}
+            <tr id="submodulesHeadMaxRate">
+                {% set Col = 1 %}
-                    <td>Макс. балл</td>
+                <td>Макс. балл</td>
-                    {% for Module in Modules if Module.Type == 'regular' %}
-                        {% for Submodule in Module.Submodules %}
-                            <td class="col_{{ Col }}" id="regular_{{ Submodule.ID }}">{{ Submodule.Rate }}</td>
-                            {% set Col = Col + 1 %}
-                        {% endfor %}
+                {% for Module in Modules if Module.Type == 'regular' %}
+                    {% for Submodule in Module.Submodules %}
+                        <td class="col_{{ Col }}" id="regular_{{ Submodule.ID }}">{{ Submodule.Rate }}</td>
+                        {% set Col = Col + 1 %}
                     {% endfor %}
+                {% endfor %}
-                    {% for Module in Modules if Module.Type == 'bonus' %}
-                        {% for Submodule in Module.Submodules %}
-                            <td class="col_{{ Col }}" id="bonus_{{ Submodule.ID }}">{{ Submodule.Rate }}</td>
-                            {% set Col = Col + 1 %}
-                        {% endfor %}
+                {% for Module in Modules if Module.Type == 'bonus' %}
+                    {% for Submodule in Module.Submodules %}
+                        <td class="col_{{ Col }}" id="bonus_{{ Submodule.ID }}">{{ Submodule.Rate }}</td>
+                        {% set Col = Col + 1 %}
                     {% endfor %}
-                </tr>
+                {% endfor %}
+            </tr>
-                {% set Row = 1 %}
-                {% for GroupID, StudentsList in Students %}
-                    {% set Group = Groups[GroupID] %}
+            {% set Row = 1 %}
+            {% for GroupID, StudentsList in Students %}
+                {% set Group = Groups[GroupID] %}
-                        <tr id="group_{{ GroupID }}" class="group_{{ GroupID }}">
+                <tr id="group_{{ GroupID }}" class="group_{{ GroupID }}">
-                        {% if Discipline.IsGlobal %}
-                             <td class="group" colspan="{{ ColCount }}"  style="display:none">
-                        {%  else %}
-                            <td class="group" colspan="{{ ColCount }}">
+                    {% if Discipline.IsGlobal %}
+                    <td class="group" colspan="{{ ColCount }}" style="display:none">
+                        {% else %}
+                    <td class="group" colspan="{{ ColCount }}">
+                        {% endif %}
+                        {% if Group.Degree == 'master' %}
+                            Магистратура, {{ Group.GradeNum }} год
+                        {% elseif Group.Degree == 'specialist' %}
+                            Специалитет, {{ Group.GradeNum }} курс
+                        {% elseif Group.Degree == 'postgraduate' %}
+                            Аспирантура, {{ Group.GradeNum }} год
+                        {% else %}
+                            {{ Group.GradeNum }} РєСѓСЂСЃ
                         {% endif %}
-                            {% if Group.Degree == 'master' %}
-                                Магистратура, {{ Group.GradeNum }} год
-                            {% elseif Group.Degree == 'specialist' %}
-                                Специалитет, {{ Group.GradeNum }} курс
-                            {% elseif Group.Degree == 'postgraduate' %}
-                                Аспирантура, {{ Group.GradeNum }} год
-                            {% else %}
-                                {{ Group.GradeNum }} РєСѓСЂСЃ
-                            {% endif %}
-                            {{ Group.GroupNum }} РіСЂСѓРїРїР°
-                            | {{ Group["SpecName"] }}
+                        {{ Group.GroupNum }} РіСЂСѓРїРїР°
+                        | {{ Group["SpecName"] }}
+                    </td>
+                </tr>
+                {% for Student in StudentsList %}
+                    <tr id="row_{{ Row }}" class="group_{{ GroupID }}">
+                        {% set Col = 1 %}
+                        {% set SemesterRate = 0 %}
+                        {% set BonusRate = 0 %}
+                        {% set ExtraRate = 0 %}
+                        {% set ExamRate = 0 %}
+                        <td id="student_{{ Student.RecordBookID }}" class="name">
+                            {{ Student.LastName }} {{ Student.FirstName }}
-                    </tr>
-                    {% for Student in StudentsList %}
-                        <tr id="row_{{ Row }}" class="group_{{ GroupID }}">
-                            {% set Col = 1 %}
-                            {% set SemesterRate = 0 %}
-                            {% set BonusRate = 0 %}
-                            {% set ExtraRate = 0 %}
-                            {% set ExamRate = 0 %}
+                        {% for Module in Modules if Module.Type == 'regular' %}
+                            {% for Submodule in Module.Submodules %}
+                                {% set Rate = Rates[Student.RecordBookID][Submodule.ID] %}
+                                {{ _self.RateCell(Col, Row, Discipline, 'regular', Rate) }}
+                                {% set Col = Col + _self.RateCellCheck(Discipline, 'regular') %}
+                                {% set SemesterRate = SemesterRate + Rate %}
+                            {% endfor %}
+                        {% endfor %}
-                            <td id="student_{{ Student.RecordBookID }}" class="name">
-                                {{ Student.LastName }} {{ Student.FirstName }}
-                            </td>
+                        {{ _self.RateCell(Col, Row, Discipline, 'semester', SemesterRate) }}
+                        {% set Col = Col + _self.RateCellCheck(Discipline, 'semester') %}
-                            {% for Module in Modules if Module.Type == 'regular'%}
+                        {% if Discipline.IsBonus %}
+                            {% for Module in Modules if Module.Type == 'bonus' %}
                                 {% for Submodule in Module.Submodules %}
                                     {% set Rate = Rates[Student.RecordBookID][Submodule.ID] %}
-                                    {{ _self.RateCell(Col, Row, Discipline, 'regular', Rate) }}
-                                    {% set Col = Col + _self.RateCellCheck(Discipline, 'regular') %}
-                                    {% set SemesterRate = SemesterRate + Rate %}
+                                    {% set BonusRate = Rate %}
                                 {% endfor %}
                             {% endfor %}
+                            {{ _self.RateCell(Col, Row, Discipline, 'bonus', BonusRate) }}
+                            {% set Col = Col + _self.RateCellCheck(Discipline, 'bonus') %}
+                        {% endif %}
-                            {{ _self.RateCell(Col, Row, Discipline, 'semester', SemesterRate) }}
-                            {% set Col = Col + _self.RateCellCheck(Discipline, 'semester') %}
-                            {% if Discipline.IsBonus %}
-                                {% for Module in Modules if Module.Type == 'bonus' %}
-                                    {% for Submodule in Module.Submodules %}
-                                        {% set Rate = Rates[Student.RecordBookID][Submodule.ID] %}
-                                        {% set BonusRate = Rate %}
-                                    {% endfor %}
-                                {% endfor %}
-                                {{ _self.RateCell(Col, Row, Discipline, 'bonus', BonusRate) }}
-                                {% set Col = Col + _self.RateCellCheck(Discipline, 'bonus') %}
-                            {% endif %}
+                        {% for Module in Modules if Module.Type == 'extra' %}
+                            {% for Submodule in Module.Submodules %}
+                                {% set Rate = Rates[Student.RecordBookID][Submodule.ID] %}
+                                {% set ExtraRate = ExtraRate + Rate %}
+                            {% endfor %}
+                        {% endfor %}
+                        {{ _self.RateCell(Col, Row, Discipline, 'extra', ExtraRate ? ExtraRate) }}
+                        {% set Col = Col + _self.RateCellCheck(Discipline, 'extra') %}
-                            {% for Module in Modules if Module.Type == 'extra' %}
+                        {% if Discipline.Type == 'exam' %}
+                            {% for Module in Modules if Module.Type == 'exam' %}
                                 {% for Submodule in Module.Submodules %}
-                                    {% set Rate = Rates[Student.RecordBookID][Submodule.ID] %}
-                                    {% set ExtraRate = ExtraRate + Rate %}
+                                    {% set Exam = Exams[Student.RecordBookID][Submodule.ID] %}
+                                    {% set Rate = (Exam.Absence or Exam.AutoPass) ? "" : Exam.Rate %}
+                                    {% set ExamRate = max(ExamRate, Rate) %}
                                 {% endfor %}
                             {% endfor %}
-                            {{ _self.RateCell(Col, Row, Discipline, 'extra', ExtraRate ? ExtraRate) }}
-                            {% set Col = Col + _self.RateCellCheck(Discipline, 'extra') %}
-                            {% if Discipline.Type == 'exam' %}
-                                {% for Module in Modules if Module.Type == 'exam' %}
-                                    {% for Submodule in Module.Submodules %}
-                                        {% set Exam = Exams[Student.RecordBookID][Submodule.ID] %}
-                                        {% set Rate = (Exam.Absence or Exam.AutoPass) ? "" : Exam.Rate %}
-                                        {% set ExamRate = max(ExamRate, Rate) %}
-                                    {% endfor %}
-                                {% endfor %}
-                                {{ _self.RateCell(Col, Row, Discipline, 'exam', ExamRate ? ExamRate) }}
-                                {% set Col = Col + _self.RateCellCheck(Discipline, 'exam') %}
-                            {% endif %}
+                            {{ _self.RateCell(Col, Row, Discipline, 'exam', ExamRate ? ExamRate) }}
+                            {% set Col = Col + _self.RateCellCheck(Discipline, 'exam') %}
+                        {% endif %}
-                            {% set ResultRate = SemesterRate + BonusRate + ExtraRate + ExamRate %}
-                            {{ _self.RateCell(Col, Row, Discipline, 'result', ResultRate > 100 ? '100+' : ResultRate) }}
-                            {% set Col = Col + _self.RateCellCheck(Discipline, 'result') %}
-                        </tr>
+                        {% set ResultRate = SemesterRate + BonusRate + ExtraRate + ExamRate %}
+                        {{ _self.RateCell(Col, Row, Discipline, 'result', ResultRate > 100 ? '100+' : ResultRate) }}
+                        {% set Col = Col + _self.RateCellCheck(Discipline, 'result') %}
+                    </tr>
-                        {% set Row = Row + 1 %}
-                    {% endfor %}
+                    {% set Row = Row + 1 %}
                 {% endfor %}
+            {% endfor %}