diff --git a/db/postgresql/hotfix2.3.10.sql b/db/postgresql/hotfix2.3.10.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4789f564e8457213932dd23f0b421e7b4d4101d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/postgresql/hotfix2.3.10.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public.student_changeinfo(pid integer, pexternalid character varying, plastname character varying, pfirstname character varying, psecondname character varying);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.student_changeinfo(pid integer, pexternalid character varying, plastname character varying, pfirstname character varying, psecondname character varying)
+  RETURNS integer
+LANGUAGE plpgsql
+AS $function$
+        vStudentID INT DEFAULT -1;
+  --	select public.student_changeinfo(
+  --	:pid,	-- put the pid parameter value instead of 'pid' (int4)
+  --	:pexternalid,	-- put the pexternalid parameter value instead of 'pexternalid' (varchar)
+  --	:plastname,	-- put the plastname parameter value instead of 'plastname' (varchar)
+  --	:pfirstname,	-- put the pfirstname parameter value instead of 'pfirstname' (varchar)
+  --	:psecondname 	-- put the psecondname parameter value instead of 'psecondname' (varchar)
+  --);
+  SELECT students.AccountID INTO vAccountID
+  FROM students
+  WHERE students.ID = pID;
+  UPDATE accounts
+  SET ExternalID = COALESCE(pExternalID, ExternalID),
+    LastName = COALESCE(pLastName, LastName),
+    FirstName = COALESCE(pFirstName, FirstName),
+    SecondName = COALESCE(pSecondName, SecondName)
+  WHERE ID = vAccountID;
+  RETURN 0;
+  when others then RETURN -1;
diff --git a/media/js/discipline/editStructure.js b/media/js/discipline/editStructure.js
index 4e7c039ff93ed7909a1e7694fe7d177cc05152ab..b84aa266e270756da86c34443e624ed4cc7cfb13 100644
--- a/media/js/discipline/editStructure.js
+++ b/media/js/discipline/editStructure.js
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
             '	<div class="landmarkControl"><input type="text" class="inputCredit inputLandmarkControl" value="0"></div>' +
             '	<div class="actions">' +
             '		<div class="deleteSubmodule icon delete"></div>' +
-            '		<div class="moveUp icon down"></div>' +
-            '		<div class="moveDown icon up"></div>' +
+            '		<div class="moveUp icon up"></div>' +
+            '		<div class="moveDown icon down"></div>' +
             '	</div>' +