diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index dfdfc29faea2f472be08c13a014d3a44c11390fa..525bfb1d968544b13ebf172bbf0dd8c3b4179f81 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/logs/analyse.py b/~dev_rating/application/logs/analyse.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e9b7153967f40b9b7883cccf40480ec54599a8e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/logs/analyse.py
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#! python
+__author__ = "Denis M."
+import sys
+import getopt
+import re
+import os.path
+import argparse
+def is_info_line(line):
+    """Checks if the line is info line.
+    :type line: str
+    :param line: Some line from the log file
+    :rtype: bool
+    """
+    re_info_line = re.compile('^.*--- INFO:  ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?).*\|(([^:]*): (.*)|(.*))in (/.*|file)+:(.*)$')
+    return re_info_line.match(line) is not None
+def iter_action_info(info_lines):
+    """
+    :type info_lines: str
+    :param info_lines: Such string that is_info_line(info_line) is True
+    :rtype: tuple
+    :returns: tuple which has
+    - str type of action
+    - str message
+    - float duration of action
+    """
+    for info_line in info_lines:
+        re_info_line = re.compile('^.*--- INFO:  ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?).*\|(([^:]*): (.*)|(.*))in (/.*|file)+:(.*)$')
+        match = re_info_line.match(info_line)
+        duration = float(str(match.group(1)))
+        if match.group(4) is None:
+            act_type = 'CONTROLLER'
+            message = str(match.group(6)).strip()
+        else:
+            act_type = str(match.group(4)).strip().upper()
+            message = str(match.group(5)).strip()
+        location = str(match.group(7))
+        line = str(match.group(5))
+        yield duration, act_type, message, location, line
+def iter_lines(files):
+    """
+    :type files: list
+    :param files: list of files to retrieve lines from
+    :return: generator for lines from all specified files
+    """
+    for file_path in files:
+        if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
+            raise IOError()
+    def gen_lines():
+        for file_name in files:
+            for line in open(file_name).read().splitlines():
+                yield line
+    return gen_lines()
+def print_usage():
+    print('usage: {0} [-c N] [-t message_type] [-v] log-1.php log-2.php ...\n'
+          '-c N             To show N the longest operations. Mnemonic: count.\n'
+          '-t message_type  To show only operations of message_type type.\n'
+          '                 (e. g. URI, DB, Controller)\n'
+          '-v               To show additional information.'
+          .format(sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1]))
+def main():
+    # collect information from script arguments
+    lines_to_show = DEFAULT_LINES_TO_SHOW
+    type_to_show = None
+    is_verbose = False
+    opt, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'c:t:v', ['help'])
+    log_files = args  # files to analyse
+    if len(log_files) == 0:
+        print('No files specified.')
+        print_usage()
+        return -1
+    try:
+        try:
+            lines = filter(is_info_line, iter_lines(log_files))  # lines with '--- INFO:'
+        except IOError as err:
+            print('File not found: {0}.'.format(err.filename))
+            return -1
+        data = {}
+        '''
+        structure of data:
+        {
+            act_type:
+            {
+                (message, location, line): [duration1, duration2...]
+            }
+            act_type2:
+            {
+                ...
+            }
+        }
+        '''
+        for duration, act_type, message, location, line in iter_action_info(lines):
+            if type_to_show is not None and act_type != type_to_show:  # if type_to_show specified then skip other types
+                continue
+            if act_type not in data:
+                data[act_type] = {}  # prepare nested dictionary
+            msg_loc_ln = (message, location, line)
+            if msg_loc_ln not in data[act_type]:
+                data[act_type][msg_loc_ln] = []  # prepare nested list to append
+            data[act_type][msg_loc_ln].append(duration)
+        for act_type in data.keys():
+            print('*' * 20 + ' ' + act_type + ' ' + '*' * 20)
+            print('')
+            for msg_loc_ln, durations in sorted(data[act_type].items(),
+                                                reverse=True,
+                                                key=lambda x: sum(x[1]) / len(x[1]))[:lines_to_show]:
+                average_duration = sum(durations) / len(durations)
+                min_duration = min(durations)
+                max_duration = max(durations)
+                print(msg_loc_ln[0])
+                if is_verbose:
+                    print(msg_loc_ln[1])
+                    print(msg_loc_ln[2])
+                print('average: {0}ms'.format(int(1000 * average_duration)))
+                if is_verbose:
+                    print('min: {0}ms'.format(int(1000 * min_duration)))
+                    print('max: {0}ms'.format(int(1000 * max_duration)))
+                print('')
+        return 0
+    except IOError as err:
+        print('Error while reading: {0}.'.format(err.filename))
+        return -1
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/~dev_rating/application/logs/readme.md b/~dev_rating/application/logs/readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f1e68f0ae2d4e3ca2cac04998a1205217070113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/~dev_rating/application/logs/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Python 3.4, usage:
+find . -type f | xargs python analyse.py -j | python -m json.tool > result.json
\ No newline at end of file